If Life Gives you Lemons—-Thursday, June 14, 2018

“If Life gives you lemons, make some kind of fruity juice.”–Conan O’Brien

We finished the first set of water just as the morning sun broke forth torching the sky’s edge with brilliant color.

Terry’s foot is doing ever so much better.  Although, by nighttime, he says it still pains him; sleeping can be rough.

Still, each day is an improvement.

So being a tad tired of work, he decided we needed to take a ride.

Loading up we headed to Grand Mesa…the largest flat top mountain in the world.…the old-timers used to say.

When I was a tween my family spent all summer up here.  I used to think that the old gods lived here.  The Gods of the Indians, for this, was the Utes hunting ground. I would tell myself the Gods of the Indians were here; having been driven back into these high valleys, green places, and lush forests onto of the world. I would walk along paths deep within the forest and sing to those old Gods.

We roared along the highways, gazing out onto blue lands, trees full and lush, the cool air suffused with an azure light which glinted off the lakes.

We dove over the top, into Grand Junction then home again.  The little rest refreshed our eyes, our minds, and our bodies.

The work still there, waiting, only now…it lifted us up once more, lending satisfaction to our day.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,
