Pinto Bean Harvest for 2015—Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Harvest-2015Our pinto bean harvest has begun in earnest now. (Fingers crossed we don’t have rain…rain would NOT be a good thing right now!)

Grain-Truck-1We took the truck over and then Terry came with the combine. It was an all day thing, with more all day sort of things until at least Friday or Saturday of this week. (We are small farmers)
First-the-DeliveryWe sell our bean to the Beanery.


If you see sack of Red Donkey pinto beans you will know [possibly] there are pinto beans from our farm in them.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



Monday, December 16, 2013

PurpleYesterday the morning dawned pink and blue and lavender

Gradually the air warmed up allowing the dogs and I to go for a walk.

Walk2It’s always slow going (now) for Fuzzy.  I’m not in any hurry.  We stop here and there and he sniffs the weeds and adds to the smells already on them.

Walk-1Boomer has a hard time staying close by.  After a time is feels like he just ‘has to head-out’ to smell what he can smell.


He always comes back…on the run.  Always!  What a fun goofy dog he is!

The snow has become ragged and tired slowly melting.  Yesterday we got up to 34*; today we will get up 41*  They tell us another snowstorm is due in here sometime late this week. Until then we will take the warmth.  Usually after a snow storm it turns very cold again.

The tractor shed door opener broke last week, so today Terry is putting up the new one.  He thought it was the gear that went out, but it was the circuit board.  (As you know we are having a rash of things breaking.)

The furnace is still a huge problem, it is looking like we won’t be able to get it fixed until sometime this summer.  Just to fix it is going to require digging under the house –by hand.  Neither one of us want to do this work in the snow and cold.  We have the wood-stove and lots of wood so we are good for the rest of the year.

Anyway, we are moving forward on the things to fix list…4010 fixed (we still need to hook-up the loader on it), still working on the garage door, the bean combine fixed and put up for the year, still have to get the metal welded under the gasoline combine, but the chain is fixed, still looking for a motor for the diesel combine…see we are moving forward…everything just takes time.

SunsetGetting closer to Christmas.   I have the menu’s planned now and the daytime activities.  I just need to shop for food.

Your Friend,
