The Adventures of TLC Cai-Cai on Friday—-Farm Life Series I, Weather, Weather, Weather, Friday, January 14, 2022

One thing I’ve learned in my FULL YEAR of being alive…is outside is FULL of WEATHER!!!

I see it every day…sometimes it’s wonderful, sometimes not wonderful.

My perfect day of weather —is soft and a little on the cool/cold side. When it’s like that I think outside is BEAUTIFUL!

Other times it’s, well, AWFUL!   There is wind—I detest wind,

there is rain…it’s the worst,

there is snow…I can do snow if it doesn’t melt on my fur, but the most horrid of all-weather is

HOT!  I spend all my time panting just like Black Beauty Dog!


BUT I can be outside (I LOVE OUTSIDE) much, much longer than in winter when the days seem very short!

So, for this wee series, I am going to tell you about the weather, here on the farm,

and how Mom, Dad, and I deal with it!

TLC Cai-Cai

The Adventures of TLC Cai-Cai on Friday—-Farm Life Series 8, Wind, Rain, Drought, Sun, Weather, September 17, 2021

“TLC Cai-Cai, what are you doing?”  Mom asked me in a puzzled voice.

Hunting, I mentally thought to her.  She didn’t hear me or understand…humans just don’t get animal speak, sometimes.

So, I just went on doing what I am doing.  Although, I did keep one ear and one eye on Mom so I would know what she was wanting. 😊

“You are nine months old, now, my Kitty-Kitty.  Mom said, walking behind me with her camera.  “Just to warn you; Fall is coming.  Soon you will see leaves and leaves all over the lawn, the grass will stop being green and the air will cool way down.

But this is all good.  It’s just part of the changing of the seasons.”

I jumped up into the air, quickly running off…I missed.  But I will get it the next time.  It can be anything…

bird (of course, not if Mom is around, lizard, or grasshopper.

Mom tries to stop me on bird and lizard, but she lets me get the grasshoppers.)

“Soon we will start having more and more Fall rains (we hope, Mom muttered to herself), and the air will get very crisp and down-right cold in the mornings.”  Mom kept pace with me while I hunted.

That’s okay…I like getting my photo taken.  Mom says I am very photogenetic.  Preen, Preen 😊



I got a grasshopper!


“Nice, TLC Cai-Cai! I think your mind is on other things today.  We will continue teaching you about Farm Life another time.

Mom gave me a nice pet and rub on my head, turned around, and went back into the house.

I played with the grasshopper until he wouldn’t move anymore. Then it was time to go HUNTING again!

TLC Cai-Cai



Chasing Words—Sunday, November 12, 2017

Bringing forth words to convey feelings, or to describe a scene is sometimes …

A bit hard.

Searching my mind for those exact words which project what I’m seeing, feeling, or hearing

Causes me to pause for I wish to show to you the earth, the sky, and capture the feeling in words that is see, hear, and feel

Looking for that perfect word reminds me how limited my vocabulary really is–

To help you see (beyond the photographs) the wind rippling through the corn stalks, or


Or clouds obscuring the sun in the possible threat of rain

Or the golden leaves being pushed off the tree’s branches as the sap slowly descends to the roots

Readying for the long winter’s night.  I always think of this time of falling leaves as trees making haste slowly, every so slowly preparing for rest and a pause in breathing

The canal water is now gone.  Turned off to winter in the Blue Mesa Dam or clear up at Taylor Reservoir.  The silence of the tumbling churning water is as stunning as breaking glass…


For us our work is slowing, but not stopping.  The harvests are all in, paychecks will arrive sometime in December.

A whole season of farming from daylight to sunset and sometimes in the deep of night.

The perfect life for Terry and I—

From your friend on a western Colorado farm,









Weather an Intimate Companion—Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The leaves are falling thick and fast now on sunny days and cloudy days

I got most of them raked off the lawn last night.  I still have more to go around the buildings

As the wind and the clouds re-write the weather the corn harvest goes on.

(This is an old photo of the Elevator taken January 2016…the year the corn never dried down)

The Elevator opens at 6 in the morning and a line is there waiting

The air today sings of rain, but is only damp, with the clouds starting to part and blue skies shinning through.

Terry called and said he was sixth in line…if all goes well, he should be home for lunch!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Pinto Bean Harvest for 2015—Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Harvest-2015Our pinto bean harvest has begun in earnest now. (Fingers crossed we don’t have rain…rain would NOT be a good thing right now!)

Grain-Truck-1We took the truck over and then Terry came with the combine. It was an all day thing, with more all day sort of things until at least Friday or Saturday of this week. (We are small farmers)
First-the-DeliveryWe sell our bean to the Beanery.


If you see sack of Red Donkey pinto beans you will know [possibly] there are pinto beans from our farm in them.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



Yesterday’s Storm–Wednesday, August 26, 2015

StormLast evening it looked like a storm (just might possibly) come in.  The sky changed, the feel to air changed, it smelled like rain.

jklThen it blew away.  Still today the haze is not AS bad.

I sure hope we (meaning everyone who is in dire need of rain) gets some soon.  Rain to stop all the forest fires, to green up the earth, to clean the skies, and to bring life back on the land.

Your friend,


Maybe Today—Nope!—Sunday, June 14, 2015

Conversation Saturday morning….7:00

Terry-“What does the weather people say about the weather today?  If it’s going to be nice for a week I really need to cut the alfalfa.”


Me–“Hummm, a slight, chance of scattered thunderstorms.”

Terry–“Okay, I’ll get ready and then go out this afternoon.  First I need to haul some dirt.”

Me–“Sounds Good!”

2:30 p.m.

RainHail, rain, thunder, lightening, flooding.

Terry, after coming in soaked, —“I guess we were in the path of the SLIGHT chance of a thunder storm.”

Me–“I guess so.”

Your friend on a very wet western Colorado Farm,


An Odd Year — Tuesday, May 19, 2015

WRThis weather has been rather strange for us.  Usually we are warm and sunny and dry.  Possibly a few scattered showers and thunderstorms off and on, but not this constant flow of winter like storms moving through.

RainYesterday afternoon we experienced wild and stunning lightening, wind and huge wet drops of rain. I stood out on the ditch bank trying to get a photo of lightening. I didn’t make it.

This is another of my bucket lists photos I hope to achieve someday…lightening.  So many of you have accomplished this feat, but not I—not Yet!! 🙂

CamomileMy yard is lush and rich with color and plants and weeds!  It’s just lovely.

Although, very hard on the farmers and the planting of our yearly crops—crops are the way we make money…no crops no money, it’s just that simple.  Some of the farmers are just now getting the corn in the ground…extremely late.

Terry is thinking (if we don’t dry up soon) he just might not be planting the pinto beans.  They need to be in the ground the 1st day of June.

DayAh, well, the day shows us a break in the clouds where blue sky resides.  Always a pleasant site!

Thank you for stopping by!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Tuesday October 22, 2013



I thought it would be fun to show you how tiny our City Hall used to be.  ( The photos are on file at the Delta County Museum and Historical Society or with the City of Delta)

Delta City Hall

Delta City Hall – from 1910 to 1962 – 3rd Street (where museum courtyard is today photo provided by  Jim Wetzel, Curator)

Below is the City Hall now….amazing how fast a town can grow from the above little office to what is needed today.

When I was a child what is now City Hall was a bank.  I think it was called The Bank and Trust or something of that nature.  I can remember going in there and putting money in my savings account.

I also remember how stunned I was that I didn’t get to have the exact money I took in back out…just a paper book with the amount written on a little square of how much I had with the bank.


This is the museum court yard today.  (Where the original City Hall stood)BellsIf you ever get a chance to stop by the bell collection is extremely nice, and the original log cabin is fascinating.  (I think I could be a pioneer, I really do.)

Our weather is very nice right now.  I got my yard put to bed and all the weeds pulled for the year.  Today I plan on cleaning the trucks, Terry’s pick-up and my car.  Then I will be taking Linki to soccer practice in the afternoon.

I hope this weather stays for some time, having this nice weather is really a gift for corn harvest.

No, we haven’t started corn harvest yet, maybe November 1st.  Terry will take some corn down and have it tested that day to see.  Everyone is gearing up, but the corn is still high moisture so we wait.

I hope everyone has a good day!

Your Friend,



Four Pair on July 25, 2013

I have four pair of Bullock Orioles, although only three females are sitting here.  I liked the photo because each one was on a different feeder!

Three-yellow-birdsA summer storm has blown in last evening.  Although, it cooled things down (which is really nice) it also has brought with it the potential for rain.  

We really would NOT like to have rain right now…after the hay is up and stacked — rain would be nice.  Keep your fingers crossed that we make it.  We have people either calling or driving down the lane to ask if we are ready to sell.  

Not yet.  But soon if the weather holds off.

Terry is working on the 630 John Deere to get it ready for the pinto bean harvest.  Boy, that seems to be coming fast.  He thinks by the last week in August we will be able to start harvesting the pintos.  Whew!  Time is flying.

Well, off to get many, many things done as I have let stuff slide since the 6th of July.  Things are starting to even out now so I hope to get past ‘maintain’ into fix.
