The Adventures of Boomer on Friday—When the Folks are Away

Don’t let anyone tell you there isn’t a very active night life on a farm or ranch…if you do let them tell you and you believe it —-YOU ARE WRONG!!! ♪♫❤♪♫❤


There is all sorts of activity.  Visits from the–


Tall, sleek, svelte

Pole Cat

Those reeking of perfume


Gorgeous and dangerous


A Monkey


Mischief makers


And those



who protect the place


Then Mom and Dad come Home…

YAY, I just report the news.  I let Sam protect the place.




26 thoughts on “The Adventures of Boomer on Friday—When the Folks are Away

  1. Where on earth did a monkey come from?
    I agree though, there is plenty on a farm. Haven’t heard the coyotes lately, and we usually only see the fox and snakes during the day; but the cats don’t like the possums, and we only see the holes left by the armadillos.
    Blessings to you all!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lots of rain in NV – you guys might be getting some more snow to keep those night visitors company there Boomer – stay dry and warm and be very careful around that perfumed visitor, or have lots of tomato juice handy 🙂


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