I Thought—Why Not— Wednesday, September 20, 2023

I thought, why not.  Why not take the game camera to the back and see what I can see.

Oh! My!  Deer in a mad dash

Oh! No wonder!

At least they got away, but this predator stayed close to the camera for several minutes.

Coyotes…not my favorite of anything ever!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Damage—-Sunday, September 17, 2023

Goodness, this month seems to be flying by.

Anyway, I wanted to show what those pesty deer do to the corn—

Yep!  They eat the silks off and the tip of the corn.  It’s so yummy for the deer’s tummy.

Ruins the corn…it won’t continue to develop. Sigh

And those delightfully cute, but so damaging raccoons and


They like to tear the stalks down and THEN eat the corn!

Critters.  Gotta love ’em, but sure don’t like some of their dining habits.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


A Touch of Fall is in the Air — Monday, August 21, 2022

You can see it in the sky, on the land, and with the deer!

The deer always arrive when the corn is in the silk.  Not good, but a fact.  They are very hard on the corn—eating only the silks, therefore, killing the cob.

They will stay on the farm now until early March.

(Along with them come the coyotes—nasty things.  We will have them until the deer leave)

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—-Tuesday, August 8, 2023

(aren’t they handsome?  They are about done with their shed of their winter fur, only the face is left)

Later—caught by the game camera—over the fence into the corn and a whole herd of them.

I went out later to see if the corn was knocked over—nope, you would never know if the camera didn’t show us!

As silent as a whisper—these fellow creatures!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


As the Daylight Shortens —- Monday, November 16, 2020

The skittering clouds traveled willingly away from us

Bringing beautiful clear skies the next day

During the silence of the night

(Caught on the game camera)

The deer arrived to enjoy snacks and safety with the cows

The farm has a loud and marvelous heartbeat—-if one just listens.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



The Pattern —- Thursday, August 13. 2020


In the silence

When the morning shadows are long, and the plants still in dew

While Terry and I and change and re-set the irrigation water

The early morning light

highlights the return of the deer

And so does the corn.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



My Nighttime Dreams—Thursday, July 30 2020

Sometimes sleeping at night is hard

Not only not being able to sleep

But sleeping and dreaming with ‘bad’ dreams

Other times, it’s like I am walking with those who have passed before me

Those marvelous people of my past life

My parents and grandparents

My beautiful and marvelous sister-of-my-heart, Dixie

Haunting dreams

Causing me to wake; to feel fragile and uncertain

Most often I wake and can’t remember my dreams

I just know I dreamed,

Not all dreams are scary, threatening, or nostalgic

They are comforting and familiar

Warm and protective

Those are hard to recall, also.

So, I have decided those dreams,

Those glowing, comforting misty dreams

Which [the feeling] tends to stay with me all through the day

Are sent to me [us] from our dead family and friends

To protect us

And those still with us on the earth

Connecting with us through our dreams.

From my world to your heart,


When We Think the World is Silent—Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Just for fun, I put up two, game cameras

These two seem to be hanging out in our yard at night

With two there might be three

This little fox passes by the Butler Bins on a regular bases

Around the corner, he/she runs

That same corner shows another predator ‘come a visiting’

And into our yard, her/she comes


Even Oreo walks freely around the Butler Bins

And in our yard

Morning…they all vanish.

Making those who move about in the daylight….rather glad they don’t move about in the night.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


When the Corn is in the Silk, —The Deer Come Back to the Farm, Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Now that the corn is in the silk, the deer migrate back to the farm.

So I sat up a couple of game cameras to see if, and when, they had arrived

Deer are notorious for eating the silk off the little corn ears.

Corn has lots of predators—

Bugs, humans, skunks, raccoons, and DEER!

Yep…Here they are.  🙂  We love seeing them.  Terry worries about the corn loss, but we don’t do anything about it.  Some for them, some for us, is our thought.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,
