Gifts Here, There, Scattered Everywhere —- Thursday, April 18, 2024

Our world is now all green and growing

The trees are speaking to us and to each other, while they wake up putting out new shiny leaves.

Gifts are everywhere, beckoning us to stop and look and listen

Once more I was gifted with a lovely heart-in-the-making rock—lying there scattered at my feet.

A gift given to me through no action of my own, but to look down, and be grateful for this beautiful free largesse.

I feel so humble and joyful all at once.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


When Getting Ready to Set some Tubes —- Wednesday, April 17, 2024

When I was getting ready to pick up a set of siphon tubes to start some water in the rows I saw

A Heart rock!  Waiting just for me!


Thank you, Mother Earth!  Thank you!

From my world to your heart,


We Lost the Internet Last Week—Sunday, October 1, 2023

Our internet went down for a whole day last week! (Horrors)

It seemed like a long, long day.  So many things run on the internet now, that it has become as important as electricity.

Anyway, I am grateful and thankful it’s back.

Also—guess what?!  I found a heart rock hugging a pretty little quartz.

Life is good!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



The Adventures of Boo Berry Betty and TLC Cai-Cai on Friday—-What Mom and I Found, Boo Berry, Friday, June 23, 2023

Mom and I were out doing the chores—which means, helping Dad

Change the water.

Suddenly Mom looked down and said:  “WOW! LOOK, Boo Berry!  The earth has given us

A heart!

Mom and I did a little dance!

Boo Berry Betty!

As the Sun Lays Golden Across the Land —- Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The first cutting of the season! (Three more fields to go—those are all alfalfa)

Grass/alfalfa mix!

Thick and beautiful and drying….rain, rain, stay away!!


Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Out There in the World–a Sweetness—Found, Sunday, December 11, 2022

“Boo Berry!” I called.  “Come See!”

“Right there waiting for us!  You and Me”

An awesome, exhilarating little heart.

Thank you Universe!,  Thank you, Earth!

Thank you, little heart!

From my world to YOUR heart,


Bees and I Hanging in the Blue — Thursday, September 22, 2022

The only sounds in the garden are the buzzing of the winged ones

and the chirping of the birds as they migrate through

and there under this beautiful Heavenly Blue Morning Glory

A heartbeat from the earth.

Peace.  What a marvelous thing it is.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Crystals Glittering in the Sky — Monday, August 22, 2022


It’s been raining all around us

Which is okay

The peaceful and beautiful showers gift us with Rainbows!

Of which, the Earth repays in hearts!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,
