Gifts Here, There, Scattered Everywhere —- Thursday, April 18, 2024

Our world is now all green and growing

The trees are speaking to us and to each other, while they wake up putting out new shiny leaves.

Gifts are everywhere, beckoning us to stop and look and listen

Once more I was gifted with a lovely heart-in-the-making rock—lying there scattered at my feet.

A gift given to me through no action of my own, but to look down, and be grateful for this beautiful free largesse.

I feel so humble and joyful all at once.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Poignant—That is How I View Shadows — Wednesday, April 10, 2024

I love shadows!

But you know that about me already.

They are so deep and cool and mysterious.

They offer shade for the weary

And beauty (with a squirrel) for the soul!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


The Sound in Silence—-Sunday, July 30, 2023

Have you noticed (wherever you live) there is no absolute silence anymore?

Even the most remote spots have the presence of  a roar in jets or distant traffic

(see the bunny?)

Welcome sounds of liquid bird songs—-always welcome

And the dappled shadows of gently rustling leaves in the breeze

A soothing delight.

The sounds of silence eddying gently

Bringing with it a tiny rainbow—a source of huge delight.

From my heart to your world,


I Delight in Shadows —- Sunday, October 16, 2022

Sometimes, while I do chores around the place,

Or am fixing food

I marvel at the beauty of all the shadows coloring our world.

Shadows so wonderful and deep, and heavy

I am sure you will marvel at them as I do.

Shadows and light

Moving across our day and into the night

The shadows of Autumn are different than the other seasons.

Shadows with a sky so clearly blue it sometimes hurts one’s eyes, the shadows seem even darker and more defined.

Shadows—that’s what I’ve been thinking of and wanting to share with you.  Those wonderful deep dark shadows defining the ever-changing light.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,




Contrast —- Sunday, August 28, 2022

The Contrast of Evening Sun on showers in the canyons

The very strong line of shadow and light

Night rising up on the land–defining the last light in the sky

Big fat rain clouds—- sunlight through the old apricot tree

Sunrise dressing the earth with Morning

Dusk filled with brilliance

Even the wind, in all its amazing power; lifting the soil into the air— gifts us with a refreshing of sorts.

Each and every moment of our full 24-hour day gives us so much—so many things of contrast, so many types of varying gifts they are too numerous to count.

From my world to your heart,




March Has Arrived — Thursday, March 3, 2022

Spring isn’t far off now

I can see it in the shadows.

Whispering of more sun, warmer days

Winter’s landscape gradually changing!


Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Back When We had Snow — Thursday, February 25, 2021

The cold snow was just beautiful, I thought

The shadows brightening

The earth with the weak sunlight

Tangling in the tree branches.

Speaking of tangles tree branches…LOOK a Great Horned Owl.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



Essential– the Vitality of Light (and the JOY) — Monday, November 23, 2020

I love the light

Of that, I am sure you already know

And I love the shadows the light give us

I love how the sunlight breaks forth from the clouds

Bathing all sorts of objects in gold

I love how the setting sun creates a harmony of brilliant colors

Or bathes the sky in mellow pastels

Shadows can only exist in light

Even jumbles of obstacles can not stop light brilliantly shining through

I love how the light shines gleaming through the cold icy air gives us Sundogs —[we are steadily declining into very cold weather].

Light and shadows —

Coloring our world with joy

From my sphere of the globe to your heart,


To Have All This is Wondrous Daily Feast—-Sunday, July 12, 2020

Although, the days are extremely hot (100-106*f–up to 41.11c)

The nights cool down, way down to 59*f or less (15c)

The sun hot and baking during the day

The cool nights

(plus watering)

keeps everything growing gently

The constant hot afternoon wind rustles the corn stalks, causing the developing ears to be pollinated

Everything enjoying

The move from the rays of the sun

to the cooling


Of the shade.


bringing a soft and welcome

break — bringing a

Softness to the air.

Hot summer days

Growing crops

Shade giving comfort to beasts and man alike

Rich, flourishing Summer

Making full and happy hearts

Good morning, My Friends!

From my world to your Hearts,
