Looming Winter —- Sunday, November 27, 2022

Get Ready! Get Ready!  The sky proclaims!

Winter is coming!

A beautiful Sundog in the eastern sky!

Proclaiming COLD, Cold weather is on its way

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


I Sing You a Song — Wednesday, November 27, 2019

We had snow Tuesday

Waking up in a raw world

Still, nature is beautiful

A wild heartbeat of birds in the sky

The misty thinning snowy sky

The haunting beauty of the geese’s call sounds like loneliness in the sky

Yet even though the snow has arrived, along with the bitterly cold wind

The big winter birds warm my heart and lift my spirit—

helping me sing songs to the God(s).

From my  world to your heart,




Preparing for Cows—-Tuesday, November 27, 2018

I’ve been side-tracked all morning.  So many things I needed to do BEFORE I sat down to write

That I am just now getting to chat with you

The cows are due to come soon….very soon….like SOON!

Before they get here Terry and I started working on the fences

And the gates.

Cows are amazingly curious creatures…if they find a weak spot, their curiosity gets the best of them—

which then gets the best of us! 🙂

Off now to go pick up siphon tubes!

You folks have a good one!
Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Yesterday’s Wind, Memories in Sunlight—Monday, November 27, 2017

We are lucky, in this day and age of digital cameras, computers, and instantly being able to see what was ‘there’ just a short while back.

Wisps of shadows in the late fall sunshine,

Of the barely audible murmur of childhood growing up.

From my world to your heart,


The Last Blooms of Summer—-Sunday, November 27, 2016

late-fall-flowersWhile Terry and I were out putting up the metal fences, and the electric fences around our farm yard, I happened to walk by the sheep trough I have turned into a planter.

There they were…those hardy little pansies, still blooming their little hearts out even though it’s been terribly cold.

It was a delight to see!  A touch of summer in the cooling down of late fall.

I am wishing you a most lovely day,


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Snowman-2The snowman is about gone

The only spot of white left on the lawn

Snowman-1His stone eyes and wooden arms picked up and carried away.

Snowman-3Leaving only cherish thoughts of that other day!

Happy Wednesday!  I’m sure everyone is busy cooking and cleaning today.

Your friend,
