Maybe Today—Nope!—Sunday, June 14, 2015

Conversation Saturday morning….7:00

Terry-“What does the weather people say about the weather today?  If it’s going to be nice for a week I really need to cut the alfalfa.”


Me–“Hummm, a slight, chance of scattered thunderstorms.”

Terry–“Okay, I’ll get ready and then go out this afternoon.  First I need to haul some dirt.”

Me–“Sounds Good!”

2:30 p.m.

RainHail, rain, thunder, lightening, flooding.

Terry, after coming in soaked, —“I guess we were in the path of the SLIGHT chance of a thunder storm.”

Me–“I guess so.”

Your friend on a very wet western Colorado Farm,


An Odd Year — Tuesday, May 19, 2015

WRThis weather has been rather strange for us.  Usually we are warm and sunny and dry.  Possibly a few scattered showers and thunderstorms off and on, but not this constant flow of winter like storms moving through.

RainYesterday afternoon we experienced wild and stunning lightening, wind and huge wet drops of rain. I stood out on the ditch bank trying to get a photo of lightening. I didn’t make it.

This is another of my bucket lists photos I hope to achieve someday…lightening.  So many of you have accomplished this feat, but not I—not Yet!! 🙂

CamomileMy yard is lush and rich with color and plants and weeds!  It’s just lovely.

Although, very hard on the farmers and the planting of our yearly crops—crops are the way we make money…no crops no money, it’s just that simple.  Some of the farmers are just now getting the corn in the ground…extremely late.

Terry is thinking (if we don’t dry up soon) he just might not be planting the pinto beans.  They need to be in the ground the 1st day of June.

DayAh, well, the day shows us a break in the clouds where blue sky resides.  Always a pleasant site!

Thank you for stopping by!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,
