The World Settled into Silence—Thursday, November 5, 2015

hhIt rained off and on all day yesterday,  and way into the night.

We actually woke up to rain. The air rich with the smell of ozone and the dried leaves, corn stalks and ears; now absorbed with water.


Then there came a feel of snow in the air.

Although, the sky was the same leaded gray the air itself had changed. A heaviness and feeling of something different; colder/sharper.

Silence, no small voices of birds or rustling of little creatures, as the crystals in the clouds changed from water to ice.


Then it came, sudden and hushed, flurries of little tiny noiseless flakes, whirling out of the air.

CThe sun is out now (as I type), the sounds of water returning, running off our metal roof, the snow is melting adding to the mud, flatting the fallen leaves.

The weather people were right.  An early winter storm has arrived.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,
