Summer’s Ghost—-Tuesday, September 20, 2016


The bees are very busy now…flying back to the hives, their bodies covered with pollen; the droning sound they make so much a part of the landscape one must pay attention to hear it.

fushiaThe company of the plants are still soothing to the eyes and the soul

seedsBut the signs are there; spangling the edges, hurrying the plants along, pushing and a nudging–to set seeds — prepare for that long sleep called winter

zinniaThe autumn winds will soon arrive, rustling across the plateau, through the canyons and bursting forth upon our mesa—flinging dry leaves across the land, stripping the trees bare

dotsFor now the rooted silence is a sort of balm to my spirit and to the earth

more-dotsBut the hint of fall is still there….a flicker out the corner of your eye, a tingle at the back your neck

leavesYellow leaves


Float quick and light, reflecting back to the wind, the earth and the sky the soon to be ghost of Summer.

From my world to your heart,


The Adventures of Boomer on Friday—-I Say It’s Fall

Mom and thought it would be a good thing to show you…that IT IS FALL HERE!!!


The corn is starting to move from the milk into the dough.  Next step it will dent.  When it dents the Dad will stop irrigating the corn.


The deer love eating the corn right now.  They eat off the cob, just like a human does.

FallThe Rabbit Brush is blooming…it usually blooms in September.

Leaves-2The Leaves are starting to turn on the Cottonwood Trees

Leaves-in-our-treeA whole month early

Leaves-in-our-tree-2IT’S STILL AUGUST!

Yellow-Leaves-1The Lilac leaves are turning yellow


And the pinto beans are turning ripe!


Harvest is just around the corner!



Getting Closer to Harvest

We are getting closer to the pinto bean harvest

The leaves are turning yellow and the bean pods are starting to dry up. 

Therefore, Terry has watered them for the last this year.

On my way back from Paonia today I saw leaves starting to change in the trees.  And a sure sign of cooler weather ahead ….Chicory!
