I Thought—Why Not— Wednesday, September 20, 2023

I thought, why not.  Why not take the game camera to the back and see what I can see.

Oh! My!  Deer in a mad dash

Oh! No wonder!

At least they got away, but this predator stayed close to the camera for several minutes.

Coyotes…not my favorite of anything ever!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Oddly Silent —- Tuesday, September 20, 2022

This is the time of year when the earth is warmer than the air

When a lovely foggy mist rises up from the land

Surrounding us in silent glory

The whole earth is blessed in this single moment of silence.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



How Quickly the Years Flash By—Love you Bella, Miss You —- Monday, September 20, 2021

Our son let us know that yesterday,

Our little fur grandchild,

that Sweet Darling Bouncy, Bright and Sunny little Bella-Boo passed over the Rainbow Bridge to be with

her brother Zookie

Bella and Zookie would stay with us (Boomer really) off and on all their lives.

Oh, sweet Bella-Boo.  Grammy loves you.  Now you can be with Zookie and with my darling little beagle, a wonderful friend of yours.

Although we know you are pain-free now and joyfully running and playing, our hearts are sad.

Love you, Bella—run and play,



SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Sunday, September 20, 2020


Don’t make a sound


In the middle of the Back Forty and

And all the green growing things.

At the top of the day!

The silent stalkers hunting


Your friend on a western Colorado farm,






That Delightful Time of Year—-Monday, September 30, 2019

(From Pinterest)

Friday night was Delta High Schools Homecoming Game

(they won).

And, most delightfully for us, Terry was asked to bring the corvette down for the parading of the royalty during half-time of the game.

Another special thing, was a very good friend of ours’ son, was the Homecoming King.

What an honor for us, to be asked to drive around the 2019-2010 King and Queen —what a privilege to be there.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,





The Adventures of Boomer on Friday— Birds and Other Things Friday, September 20, 2019

Mom and I have taken to long walks.  Well, longer than normal.

We have to be careful because Mindy cat wants to walk with us and Mom doesn’t want Mindy to get side-tracked; stay out on the farm, and become COYOTE FOOD!

So, Mom puts Mindy in the house then we go out!

And about.

Looking for BIRDS!

(And other things.)

Sometimes Mom,

Mindy, and I go out at night.

That’s when Mom likes to take photos of the Moon…in every stage of the Moon’s growth.

Sometimes Mom will even get a photo of a wild creature…

like the Raccoons, who live in the hollow of the Willow tree and like to eat Mom’s tomatoes!

Although Mom personally has never gotten a photo of the Raccoons, she did put up a game camera so the game camera could get a photo of the raccoons.

(Photo from Mom’s archives)

The wild geese are plentiful now.  Three large skeins have flown over our heads, even while I write to you.

Soon the Sandhill Cranes will be here.  Mom says the big birds are back early…she thinks we will have an early winter.

But until then, there is still stuff to do in warm Autumn days!

Boomer Beaglie Brown (a.k.a. Sherlock)



There in the Sky Simple and Definite—-Thursday, September 20, 2018

We had thick heavy clouds all day yesterday, threatening rain, but none fell right here

Then as the sun was starting to set the whole sky lite up in a lighthearted affair…the sun striking the clouds in a golden shower of color.

The slanting rays sending out streaks of light blazing the underneath of the heavy hanging clouds with a brilliant glow of gold, and orange, and pink, and purple…

The color echoing throughout the sky and on the land, making plants, soil, buildings, even Terry and Boomer, Mindy, and I thick with the beautiful light

Then there in the southern sky was a blazing sign glittering and trembling in the liquid gold of air.

A crescendo ending to a grey and storm filled day!

From my heart to your world,



Reflecting Through the Haze in the Sky—-Wednesday, September 20, 2017

When the smoke was terrible here, (although not as terrible as other places) I took some photos of the sun and the moon.

The strange color

A testament to the disaster happening in prairies and forests in the west

The orange moon and the red-hot molten sun roaring like soft thunder in the sky!

From my world to your heart,


Summer’s Ghost—-Tuesday, September 20, 2016


The bees are very busy now…flying back to the hives, their bodies covered with pollen; the droning sound they make so much a part of the landscape one must pay attention to hear it.

fushiaThe company of the plants are still soothing to the eyes and the soul

seedsBut the signs are there; spangling the edges, hurrying the plants along, pushing and a nudging–to set seeds — prepare for that long sleep called winter

zinniaThe autumn winds will soon arrive, rustling across the plateau, through the canyons and bursting forth upon our mesa—flinging dry leaves across the land, stripping the trees bare

dotsFor now the rooted silence is a sort of balm to my spirit and to the earth

more-dotsBut the hint of fall is still there….a flicker out the corner of your eye, a tingle at the back your neck

leavesYellow leaves


Float quick and light, reflecting back to the wind, the earth and the sky the soon to be ghost of Summer.

From my world to your heart,


The Walk Toward Winter—Sunday, September 20, 2015


Autumn leaves,


Turning to gold, flying silently to the ground,


Leaving behind memories of hot wings of sunbeams


The evening light echoing the beat of my heart.

Your friend, as always,
