Milestones—Tuesday, January 15, 2019

After all the wonderful words and birthday wishes

I have decided to IGNORE the fact I am 70!

After all, Terry doesn’t think of himself as elderly but keeps on keeping on as if he is still 50

And the fur children who live with us reach out to each and every moment

Joy a true gift, which was my word for being 69 last year!

So onward we go…passing milestones and turning them into memories

And throwing out thoughts of “Old” letting that word blow away in the wind

And gathering to myself those precious moments, which gift us with magic.

If we only stop and see!

Magic…my word for the year!

Love you, My friends,



Life is Full of Gifts—Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Today I’m another year old.  That in and of itself is a very nice gift!  Not only am I another year older I am in good health!  That is a HUGE gift!

Another (tongue and check gift) is I will be 66 two years in a row…HOW COOL is THAT?!

Not many people can have the same birthday twice, but I’ve managed to do so several times in my life.  When I turned 37 I was 38 for two years, when I turned 51 I was 52 for two years and then last year when I turned 65, (just like those other years before) I skipped being that number and rushed myself right along to 66—so once more I get to be 66 for a year!  I even up-aged my oldest daughter and then for some crazy reason I down-aged my two youngest daughters, my son got to stay his right age.


The weather is still dark and dreary and wet.  BUT the gift is IT ISN’T terribly cold!  When the sun does shine forth you can bet I’ll be outside dancing in it!  🙂


The fuel prices in our town have taken a decidedly nice tumble—although, I understand that falling fuel prices are NOT a good thing for people working in the gas and oil fields.


Terry gave me a really neat, sturdy outdoor jacket!  I just love it!  Full of pockets to carry my camera, gloves, scarves, you name it.  It’s sturdy and warm!  YAY!

I have many wonderful gifts…I wish to not single any one out, but this one is heart-warming and sad and special all at once.


Fuzzy and Boomer’s stories all wrapped up in two bound books, complete with photos.

Our daughter in Grand Junction, pulled the stories off the blog and had them bound in two books.

I cried when saw them.  Inside are all the animals our families have had…each granddog over the years and, of course, that wonderful wise dog Fuzzy and his side-kick Boomer.


The back shows the photo our Kelly, our son-in-law took of a rainbow over our house and farm buildings.  A rainbow is such a beautiful site and to have it right over our place is a true gift.

This morning I had many, many, many birthday wishes on FaceBook, emails of birthday wishes and several phone calls, and the post office has delivered many, many birthday cards!

I am so humble and over-whelmed at the amazing people who fill my life–each one of you are a special gift to all who know you—and most definitely a special gift to me!

Your (finally) 66 year old friend!
