Now That I’m 75 —Monday, January 15, 2023

I’ve been thinking about being 75—WHICH I AM VERY GRATEFUL TO BE!!!

And this is what I’ve come up with:

Being 75 is really rather neat. I’m still alive.  I am still very mobile.  I can still work and keep working hard and take a nap every afternoon to recharge! 🙂

But more than anything, I no longer care about all those things I used to care about when I was younger.

In the best possible of ways!

Getting older is a great and wonderful joy!  You finally are at peace with yourself, your body, and (even) how to approach the world.

So, if I have one bit of advice from my very advanced age: EMBRACE your age, each and every step of the way!!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


A Mindy Adventure Story— Chapter Nine, Life Goes On, Friday, January 15, 2021

Chapter Nine

I hopped up on the windows sill to ponder this whole sad mess.

It was about the time I was feeling most discouraged when I saw

Boomer following Mom to the house.


I kept meowing and meowing.  I ran to the back door and meowed some more.

“Mindy Sue-Lou, what is up?  Why are you so agitated?”  Mom asked me after she came in from outside.

“COME TO THE BACK DOOR!  BOOMER IS OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW!  He followed you to the house.  COME, MOM!”

Mom put on her coat and opened the back door for her and me to go outside.

“It’s dark, Mindy.  Are you sure you really want to go outside?”

YES! YES!  Hurry, MOM!  Boomer is outside!

Mom and I made a mad dash out the door.

We looked all around.


I would walk a little and wait for Mom. If she didn’t come, I meowed at her.

We looked at lots of places.



Mom and I went back into the house.

I headed back to my window.

Boomer WAS out there I know it!

BOOMER! I yelled mentally to the Rainbow Bridge. If you were out there please show me. Make it real!

I need to see you again!

I need help! BOOMER!!!

Meanwhile, right outside the kitchen window






That Ancient and Mysterious Time of Day — Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Since I gave you our sunrise, I thought I might give you the day’s end in this post 🙂 

Where, sometimes, the fat marvelous clouds race over the land, or settle on the top of Grand Mesa,

Or smother the stars, whereby only a crack of the setting sun appears

Still, as night comes on, and the moon rises…I can feel in my heart that God(s) is there and is the same thing to all, even if living with different names.  One God, many names, etched there in the darkening or daylight sky.

A blessing for all, for each of us.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Milestones—Tuesday, January 15, 2019

After all the wonderful words and birthday wishes

I have decided to IGNORE the fact I am 70!

After all, Terry doesn’t think of himself as elderly but keeps on keeping on as if he is still 50

And the fur children who live with us reach out to each and every moment

Joy a true gift, which was my word for being 69 last year!

So onward we go…passing milestones and turning them into memories

And throwing out thoughts of “Old” letting that word blow away in the wind

And gathering to myself those precious moments, which gift us with magic.

If we only stop and see!

Magic…my word for the year!

Love you, My friends,



I Have a Wee Story to Tell — Monday, January 15, 2018

I was out by the grain bins this morning coming back from a short walk-about, when I saw several geese land in the field I was walking by

I was delighted!

I have been hollering to the large skeins of geese, as they fly by, that they are always welcome here.

Now Romeo and Lady were coming on to the same corn field.   As I stayed there and watched Lady the Mule walked as fast as she could to the rustling flock–walked right into the flock scattering the geese.

The geese rose up in a little tiny flutter to get out of Lady’s way…then settled down in a flurry of feathers.

Up Lady came again scattering the geese so she could pass by.

I was a little afraid the geese would all rise up and fly away, but they didn’t. Just settled themselves over a small way and started pecking up loose corn.

Then that silly mule decided she has reached the perfect spot to take her morning DUST bath. Down she went…rolling this way and that way, so hard and fast the dust rose off the ground in puffs.

Romeo just looked at her twisting and rolling—-and walked right on by like a bath of that nature were not for him (today).

A short little pleasant story, to start the day.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,




That Incredible Wonderful Moon—Sunday, January 15, 2017


In a rather desperate search for a full moon photo—I kept waking-up off and on throughout two nights searching for a time the moon was not covered in clouds.

moon-and-rings-through-theWaiting (but not very patiently) hoping for that single wonderful photo.

ring-around-the-moonGradually the clouds parted, the stars singing loudly in the long, long night

finally-janaurys-full-moon Moonbeams shattered the mist fill land and melted into a cold silver and blue light.

While Boomer checked things — I stood in the shadow moonbeams and ghostly clouds.

From my world to your heart!


Sunshine and a Stiff Breeze—-Thursday, January 15, 2015

Yesterday was a very nice day…I am so blessed to have so many wonderful friends from here and around the whole globe.  I thank each one of you very much!

Another gift today —  last evening, as the sun was starting to set, the clouds broke up; allowing clear skies to appear! Sunshine always gives a huge lift to the spirit!


From ElaineElaine from Black Forest, Colorado, sent me this beautiful frozen photo of the frost and fog and hoar frost not far from her home.  It looks like the photo is in black and white, but in reality it was just that cold.

Linda's-DawnThen Linda, from very large ranch in Alberta, Canada, sent me this stunning sunrise.

The world is just a beautiful place!

Your friend,


January 15, 2013

Yesterday was my birthday…I’m now 64 years old.


It always surprises me that I made it to anywhere after 50.  I don’t know why it does, but it does.

I can remember sitting in my desk in the first grade of school, the teacher, Miss Mable Howard, was talking about the 20th century ending and the 21st century beginning…I remember thinking that none of that makes any sense at all.

Then she talked about the year 2000, you have to do the math, but this was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in 1955, the year 2000 was sooooo farrrrrr away that I couldn’t even get it to come into focus.  Since it was so far away I decided that I would make it to the age of 50, which was really, really, ancient and just let everything else take care of itself.

As the years progressed I would think about that little girl so long ago deciding to be fifty and then let every thing else just happen as it would.  Fifty seems like a real nice number, way back when.  It still does.

When I was fifty I lost my best friend/sister, my beloved Grandmother, and both my parents.  Strangely my life did end at the age of fifty.  Every year after fifty has been a surprise and a gift.  A year to treasure and be thankful for.  I am not sick, nor do I have beloved family or friends ill, what I have is a new year that my little 6 year old mind could not comprehend in 1955.

A gift of life.

Many of you have emailed me birthday wishes, which adds richly to my birthday.  My children and my grandchildren and my step-grandchildren have widened my life to a whole of completeness.  I have become the matriarch of our family, which still seems like an odd thing, but also a blessing.

Really, life is truly a circle and one we all get to rejoice in.


This is me in 1951!  What a hoot!

Thank you each and everyone of you for helping enrich my daily world.
