Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Birthday—Tuesday, May 2, 2023

79 years and still driving fast cars

Running tractors

Placing in Tractor Pulls

Chasing water

Chasing a cow or two (sometimes a horse or mule)

Happy Birthday to you!

From my world to your heart,


Extraordinary Joy —- Saturday, May 2, 2020

Sometimes life is like moonlight

Filtering through lovely puffy clouds

Sometimes life is simple Magic— sitting right there on the edge of excitement

Or the sound of a motor within the chatter of bird songs

Or the enthusiastic sound of rushing water in a ditch

More times than not, it is the small everyday things

Which add up to joy.

And the overwhelming daily work

Which is always accomplished

in willing happiness

Happy 76th Birthday!  You are amazing!

From my heart to your world,



Today the Sun Came Out —- Thursday, May 2, 2019


The dark curtain of rain and grey clouds left us over-night

Which is a very good thing.

For you see today, this day around early morning milking time, 75 years ago

My husband started life on his parent’s western Colorado Farm

And, as it was written in the stars, not only would he become a Hotline line foreman for DMEA, he would also continue farming through all the years, even unto today.

Happy 75th Birthday, Hubby-Bo.

From my heart to your world,




Today is the 74th Birthday—-Wednesday, May 2, 1944

Today is Terry’s 74th birthday!

On every birthday Terry’s father would tell the tale of how obliging Terry was at birth.

For you see Terry’s parents, Jack and Marjorie Brown had a dairy not far from where we live now…just about three miles away.

Diary’s never take care of themselves.  You can’t put them on automatic to run until you can get back to them.  The cows needed to be fed and milk on clockwork basis.

Morning and evening.  Fed.  The milk hauled into the milk cooler, then swirled and swirled until cooled waiting for the huge semi to come deliver it to bottling plant.

Like all first-time babies (Terry is the oldest of a brother and a sister) he took his time all through the long night, until….

the sky started to lighten and the need to get to the dairy started to strengthen in Jack.

You see Jack ran the dairy all by himself, he was a one-man dairy farmer.

Then right on time. In the most perfect of wondrous ways, the new little boy arrived in the world.

All obliging.

“So I could go milk right on time.” Jack would announce.

Every year, on each and every Birthday.  [Jack passed on several years ago]. just as the sky starts to lighten  Terry always says: ” Now, Dad.  It’s almost time.”  And I always say “Happy Birthday, You gave your Dad a perfect gift and he gave you your life.”

We always feel most grateful, Terry and I!

Happy Birthday, my husband.  74 years and still farm’n!

Love you,


The Earth Turns and the Wind Breathes —-Tuesday, May 2, 2017

And the the rising sun brings life

Seventy three years ago today…his Dad always said he came at the perfect hour, the endless waiting, the forever labor

That very accommodating first born son—allowed his Dad to get back home to the Dairy in time to milk.  🙂

This man who has lodged himself in my heart, and in the hearts of his children and grandchildren


He has that gift of self—for always doing what must be done

For 73 years he has lived on this mesa, first with his parents on their farm and dairy, then here on our farm.

Watching the heavens, in contact with the soil, taking comfort in the growing plants and the harvest

The stream of endless chores, tiny little jobs that keep the farm and everything on the farm moving forward.

Lucky me.

Happy Birthday, Terry!

From my world to your heart,


Monday, May 7, 2012

Sunday we were a bit tired, actually exhausted!  Terry took off the day (accept for irrigating) and I took off time to work in my yard (I planted the garden and set out plants for half of the yard —  all together the whole thing comes to 1.5 acres and can get too much if I don’t stay with it, real fast.) I also got my dusting and vacuuming done.  Terry did all the irrigating except I helped him just before nightfall.

Saturday Terry and I went into town and helped our son work on his ‘new to him’ house.  He had an old fireplace he wanted the bricks removed from and to set up his air conditioner, that took the morning.  After changing the water we went back in and helped him hang his drapes and curtains.

He is really getting this old place, built in 1918, up to speed.  I find it fun to see what changes he has accomplished from one visit to the next.  There are a couple of more projects we will help with, but after that he won’t need the extra hands.

While we were there a little boy from two blocks came over looking for the little boy that lives next door.  We were shocked to see he had a bird riding on his shoulder.

The bird does not fly away. The little boy said that the bird had been hurt about two years ago, by flying into a ceiling fan.  After the bird recovered he was never able to fly again.  So now the bird goes everywhere with the little boy.  He said he would take him to school but the teachers won’t let him.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Yesterday we had a few clouds blow in, gradually over the day parts of Delta County got some much needed rain.

Although it didn’t rain here (we are in desperate need of rain) we did see a lovely storm play across the ‘dobies at the base of Grand Mesa.

Maybe the next storm that blows through will bring the moisture.

I sure hope so.
