Happy Day of Giving Thanks —- Thursday, November 25, 2021

I give Thanks to each of you, My Dear Readers and Friends

Thanks for the beauty of the land, our farm,

and the world we live in

And for my family…each one of you, near and far.

From my heart to your heart,


From Out of the Wan Night Slides the Shadow Walker —Beowulf, Wednesday, November 25, 2020

I decided to move the game camera — my plan three nights in one place, then move it to another place, to see what I could see.

Ahhhhhhhhhh, nighttime, when strange things stalk the earth

Rather cute little creatures —although, very deadly to chickens.

Shape-shifters who stalk the land at midnight.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Gathering Wood —- Monday, November 25, 2019

Just last week, Terry and I took to the woods on the Uncompahgre Plateau gathering firewood

The day was bright, warm, and full of dust from passing vehicles

It was beautiful.

But very, very dry.

Back we went yesterday, the chill air

Sparkling on the frozen crystals on the ground

growing deeper and more lovely, as we drove.

It didn’t take long before we had another load of firewood.  This time in rich moisture; the first of the season!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,




The Wind Brought in Icy Wind, Rain, and Snow — Sunday, November 25, 2018

The rain and snow came in yesterday and we loved it

It fell in the mountains and froze up our world

The clouds flew in on very cold wind pushing the moon behind them

Tattered shadows scudded here and there across the darkening sky

Shimmering pale and lovely above the now winter landscape

Winter has finally arrived on our farm in the western part of Colorado.

From my world to your heart,


Yesterday the Farm at Twilight—Wednesday, November 25, 2015

5The farm at twilight holds a deep hush….a sighing as the day slows down.

11A storm building over the Uncompahgre Plateau speaks of a snow storm.

10The air tells all to be still, hunker down, step lightly snow is coming.

17As for myself, while Boomer, Monkey the cat, and I take our evening walk…I give thanks —  for each day is gift.  No matter what happens on the morrow.

The weather people say we will have snow this evening and tomorrow.  If you are traveling, please take care no matter where you are —

As always your friend on a western Colorado farm,



Where to Find Canada Geese—Tuesday, November 25, 2014

SandhillI find it interesting the Sandhill Cranes are taking over the farms and the Canada Geese

Geese-1Are hanging out down in town by Confluence Park/Lake and the rivers.

Terry and I ran to town to see how long the line was at the Elevator (to unload the corn) and we ran into to masses of Geese



Masses!  🙂  It made me smile!


Look at all that fertilizer on the road….can you just imagine what the grass and banks of the river looks like?

7We liked having them in the fields just for that reason.  But now the Sandhill Cranes have come (I’m not complaining); and the Canada Geese have left—it is extremely rare to see the two species in a field together.  If you are lucky enough to have those beautiful birds on your field I’m sure the fertilizer is just as much and just as big—if you want to know. 🙂

Thank Heaven for winter birds…they are a bright spot in rather dull days!
