A Song so Beautiful it Fills Your Heart—-Wednesday, November 8, 2023

A stunningly beautiful Autumn Day.

We are so blessed, you and I, to hear and see and feel the song of our marvelous world!

From my world to your heart,


Water—The Voice of the Land, Monday, November 8, 2021

It’s that time of year (again) when all the canals are turned off

Allowing the reservoirs and lakes to start filling again

It’s a lovely but (for me) a tad sad

For that means winter is looming

Still, I gather at the fences and allow the joyful tinkling of the life-giving water

Lifting  the energy of my mind,

my spirit and soul.

A marvelous sensation, akin to the beating of God(s) heart!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


A Flicker of Sunlight —- Sunday, November 8, 2020

The cows arrived! The joy of cattle feet back on the land!

The storm clouds rolled in over-night, moving along by a wind unseen

Over in the South West part of our farm, a very faint Sundog started to appear.

Growing brighter and brighter in the cool cloudy sky.

In three days’ time, our temperature will drop too much cooler norms.

The thick clouds started filling in again…leaving not a single space of blue.

But the exciting thing of wonder (I almost missed it) came with a phone call from Cliff and Kimberly—

“Quick!  Look to the West…there is a Care Bear Rainbow  (as our daughter, Kimberly called the rainbow) dancing in the sky”.

Sure enough…There is was. Perfectly Perfect as a sign of Hope.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


The Adventures of Boomer on Friday— I Protect Mom, Friday, November 8, 2019

Mom and I were out and about.  Doing this and that and other things.

We would get on the four-wheeler; Mom would drive to here and there, then we would get off and Mom would do something.

I would sniff around and until Mom would call.

Back on the four-wheeler, we would go.

(Socks and flip-flops 🙂  )

It was way over by the old Apricot tree when Mom and I got off to ‘go for a walk’.

That’s what Mom said we were going to do


We were walking straight down the road when I suddenly saw


I crouched down real low, growled deeply in my chest; I had Mom to take care of, you see.

I kept like that for a long time.



Are you Kidding!  I’ve been out here on the farm in many dangerous situations and I KNOW DANGER!

I didn’t hurry up, but I started following Mom in my growling,

Creeping stance!

Making myself as BIG as I could make myself, raised my ears, lowered my tail and crept along.



Suddenly the danger was right on me and it was


I tricked Mom really well, don’t you think?


(P.S. I knew there wasn’t danger all along, I was just tricking Mom.


My eyes still work very well, Thank you.

It was just to let Mom know I would take care of her.

Honestly.  This was all just a trick on Mom.)


(P.P.S.S. I really thought it was a coyote.  But don’t tell anyone, okay.)


An Avenue of Escape—-Thursday, November 8, 2018

I am really not good at sitting watching TV…my hands need to be doing something so my ears can listen.  Otherwise, I’m up and down; restless.

I am also not very good at complicated things.  So I look for kits to work.

I have one daughter who loves Halloween…I just finished this cute little pillow top and am now working on another one.  I will post it when I finish.

Then I have another daughter who loves Christmas.  This is also a kit, but I changed it up some….creating two pockets to reflect their dogs

Gypsy who is an Old English Bulldog

This is not a very good photo, but it gives you an idea of what she looks like…she is gray and white.

And Scout who is an Australian Kelpie

This morning I saw a rainbow…on my kitchen floor…I’ll take any type of rainbow wherever I can!

You folks have a good day!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Wrapped in Energy—-Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Although, it’s a ton of work, Terry decided he wanted to fill one of the Butler bins with the remaining corn in the field

So yesterday in the warmth of the afternoon we hauled out the auger

Set it up

Then while he combines I will fill the bin; saving corn to sell at a later date.

BUT WAIT!!!!!!

Our neighbor a mile away, who is a big rancher in the area drove down our lane just as we were about to start filling the bin!

“I sure could use some corn, if you have any extra,” he explained

“We have extra”, Terry replied.

So as luck and the blessings of Heaven everything works out for the both of us.  Our corn has a new home and the rancher’s cows have more feed!

Life is good!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,




FINISHED! DONE! OVER for Another Year!—Tuesday, November 8, 2016

finishing-upHere it is the early part of November

last-load-standingAnd the last load of corn went to the Elevator

offTo set in line for hours and hours.

number-21Terry is 21st in line…the last truck…two more came in after I took this photo.

filedWe are finished!

We can look across the fields and see the growing and harvesting year complete!


Your friend on a western Colorado farm,
