The Adventures of TLC Cai-Cai on Friday —Step Four, Friday, April 29, 2022

Water is not only the backbone of the farm.

Water is a tool.

To irrigate properly you not only need to understand water, the needs of the water, and how the water performs on the land.

You need to also understand the land you are using the water on!

For some people, like Mom, watering yard…she just turns the spigot on, moves the hose with the sprinkler head here and there all over the lawn in 30 minutes stretches.

Also, Mom takes off the sprinkle head and puts on a soaker head so she can water her flower beds.

Yes, this takes lots of time, because Mom doesn’t have a sprinkling system.

But for the water on the farm, on this side of the Rocky Mountains, in the high mountains desert…water is moved through furrows.

Other places rely on rainfall—that will never happen here.

Some other places pump water out of a river, or lake, or pond, or an aquifer into huge sprinkler systems that never stop.  (Because sprinkle systems only put down a tiny amount of moisture at a time, so the sprinkler has to be moving constantly to get everything wet down to the roots of the plant.)

Some places flood-irrigate…like rice paddies, for instance, or some other type of crop which moves lots and lots of water onto the crop then take it away and let it dry, only to repeat again later.

Here we take our water onto the land in a big head — the head is made up of shares.  The Shares are the amount of water allowed for that farm.

Moving water onto the farm takes timing, balance, athletic ability (you have to stand or jump on the ditches), and an understanding of the farm and water.

Mom says there is something so beautiful, soothing, and marvelous about working the water on the land. Just listening to the water is calming; making sure the water is doing what it’s supposed to —

run down each row…the row that amount of water is allotted to is exciting.

Sometimes the water wants to ‘cut over’ into its neighbor’s row, or something jumps into the row—like a clod of dirt, or the remainder of last year’s corn cob/stalk — getting the water BACK into its own row and taking the block out can be a tad exciting (and muddy and stressful.


But seeing the water running nice and even, the sides of the furrow’s turning browner soaking up the water, watching the ground soak up the water all the water to the middle.


At least two more chapters in the backbone of water—Stay tuned!

(See my gift to Mom—MOUSE!)

TLC Cai-Cai


To My Surprise — Thursday, April 29, 2021

On a wee walk-about with Mindy…she was more intent on staying ahead of me than seeing that cute little bird.

(Which I was very grateful for. 🙂 )

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


A Lovely Sunday Surprise — Wednesday, April 29, 2020

On Sunday we were also gifted with a fun adventure to the Uncompahgre Plateau

Brett and Marianne asked if we wanted to drive to 25 Mesa on the Uncompahgre Plateau for a small little trip.

Off we went…again 6 feet or more distancing…they in their jeep and us in our pick-up

We drove until we came to a weather station… a wee bit of a surprise.

Very interesting to see.

Then while the dogs sniffed and played, the wind enjoying a day off, I explored a tiny bit myself.

I found a tiny, teeny cactus, a tad larger than a quarter…blooming it’s little heart out.

I couldn’t find the type of the cactus, maybe you know and can tell me.  Here is a link to some cactus found in Colorado. 

But this one didn’t seem to be there.

Anyway, short little breaks of happiness in the daily work on the farm,

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Moving On —- Monday, April 29, 2019

After reading all your comments; making my blog site more secure

Working with the kind and gracious lady who is the owner of her blog and a most wonderful generous author (I have read all her books and LOVE them)

She assured me all was well between us

The horrible comment was removed from her blog (or will be soon); all is well now.

So thank you each and every one of you!  From the bottom of my heart!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


I Had a Terrible Thing Happen to Me —- Sunday, April 29, 2019

Someone forged a comment on a wonderful blog that I follow using my blog email and blog address as the author of the comment.

The lovely lady contacted me in a private email, slightly admonishing me in a very gentle way.

Here is the nasty ugly comment I supposedly wrote:  “I must admit not a lover of cats here at all as am super super allergic to them all but your kitty is very nice and glad you have a “mews” friend and is pretty kitty.Busy too buy the looks .You have a lovely home there .so happy for you you still like Gotland.”

A comment like that is so unlike me….so very unlike me.  It breaks my heart someone would be so cruel as to use my name in such a hurtful way.
From my very sorry heart to your world,

Sunshine in my World Today—Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Spring-yard-1I’m gradually, gradually, gradually making headway in my yard.  As for my house–well, it’s clean and picked-up, that about it.  The other house–my time waster— is starting to get there. I have the bedroom just about finished painting-I should finish tomorrow. The lawn is mowed and raked down there and all the bushes raked and pruned ready for spring.

Dust The new renters move in on Sunday. (Ask me if I’m excited or what!)  The man and woman came over yesterday to make arrangements to move in on Sunday.  I can SEE THE LIGHT!

More-AhToday Terry starts planting corn.  I will plant sweet corn at some point down one side of one of the fields.  I had one row last year, but that was a huge field.   This year some of the corn will be in front of the house, which is only 5 acres. I think I will plant two rows of sweet corn, next to the side which is next to canal—I’m looking for ease of picking.

Sun12I am so excited about the renters finally getting here, you just don’t understand how excited.  The work load, of just maintaining that place, and this place, plus every day living has been over-whelming.  Soon!  Very Soon! I can move from maintaining into ‘getting-my-stuff-that-has-been-hanging-over-my-head’ DONE!  ♬♬♬   YAY!

Joy, Joy, Joy

Your Friend,
