Plowing—It’s the Only Way to Go—Sunday, March 20, 2016

Plowing-2Terry started plowing the old corn fields


Burying the old stalks, leaves, left over cobs, and cow manure….oh yes!  And the MILK DUDS…back into the ground to mellow out and decompose.

Plowing-3 I must say I am Tickled to Death about the Milk Duds, Beef Jerky and other assorted ‘chews’  NOT readily available for Boomer.

RichAlthough, he still goes out and tries to find them, they are now in the rich soil doing wonders for the earth worms and not Boomer’s tummy!


SmilesHe gained three pounds during this February…now he is on a diet.  One I’ve imposed and one the plowed earth took away.  Three pounds is huge on a 35 pound Beagle!

GoldI finished all but one big spot of work last night in the sunset.  Which, by the way, was stunning.

Have a good one, my friends!


The Adventures of Fuzzy and Boomer on Friday—‘tis the Season of Great Snacks!

This is the bestest time of the whole year!  I love every minute of this time.  I didn’t used, ‘cause, well, you see, I would randomly get chased by a mean ‘ol Momma cow.  I try to not let that happen anymore.  I stay real close to Mom when we go out to check calves.  The rest of the time I wait until the cows are NOT by the house!


I have to be quick!

If Mom, Fuzzy and I are out for a walk I have to be even quicker; if Mom sees me she almost yells at me.


Something like “BOOMER! YOU DROP THAT RIGHT NOW!”  or “BOOMER!  That’s gross, put that down NOW!”


So you know what I do…I chew it up real fast so Mom can’t have it!!! NO SIREEE!

Chuckle, snort, giggle, laugh out loud!

Once Mom even reached right into my mouth to try to get it, but I swallowed real fast like.

You see this is the season of BEEF JERKY and Milk DUDS!  YUMMMMYYYYYYYYYYY!

Mom, Dad, Fuzzy and I even saw the Fox helping himself to the delicious tidbits of yum.

If I eat too many Mom won’t let me inside, cause, well, sometimes my tummy gets too full and well, it comes right back up!

That really does get me in trouble.  Then I have to sleep outside in the dog house.


You know what I don’t understand….Fuzzy doesn’t like to eat any of that stuff, I mean nothing.  Just turns his nose up and sits there and watches me chow down.  He says I’m making a fool of myself.

Oh, well!


Mom has figured out that if I get a real soup bone from DOWN TOWN then I won’t head out to the field.


Guess what!?  Either way I win!! (Unless I have to sleep outside…then that isn’t so good.  But, what the hay…it’s worth it!)


The Adventures of Fuzzy and Boomer on Friday —Snacks

Apple-Tree…………….just as Mom came out of the back door I jumped up from my comfy bed in my outside dog house. I was just in time to see Boomer padding up to Mom, tail wagging.  We were both very glad to see Mom.  If you see Mom that means we are going to do something, go for a ride, go for a walk, something that Boomer and I don’t have to figure out to do.  Just be with Mom and see the sites.


She was on her way to check on the cows and the calves….GOOD!


We love going out to check on the cows and calves.  We don’t go unless we are invited…rule number 6…never go into the maternity ward unless Mom is with you.


Hank never gets to go…Hank has some pretty bad manners…like he wants to chase cars, he wants to chase chickens, and yep, you guessed it…he wants to chase cows.  So Hank has to always stay home and play with the little kids, which isn’t too bad of a deal.  The bad part of the whole ‘being outside alone’ thing for Hank is he has to wear a shock collar.


Boom and I have discussed this — after talking to Hank we’ve decided we are NEVER going to wear a shock collar so if we are told NO…we listen.


Anyway, we were off with Mom to the maternity ward…yep, lots of calves, then I caught a smell..hummmmmm a delicious smell…I poked my nose up into the air and gave a big sniff, then I looked for Mom and Boomer…they were was down the lane, I looked behind me…just the cat.. I knew just what I was going to do…I was going to get myself a little snack…




A dog doesn’t often get to have beef jerky, most of the Momma cow’s clean everything up, but sometimes a new mom will forget…then the afterbirth sort of sits out there and dries up and well…if I can ever find any…I LOVE IT!!!

I found some…and I was going to go get it and forgo the walk with Mom.

So off I went.


It was just about the time that I was chowing down on the beef jerky


that I hear Mom, telling Boomer: “DROP IT!”

“Drop it, Boomer! THAT IS GROSS, DROP IT!”

Yep, I knew just what he had found…nothing finer than MILK DUDS!  Little baby calves only eat milk from the Mom for weeks, takes them some time to get their little stomachs to the place whereby they can start eating grass and hay, up until that time their poop is delicious!


I saw Mom reach Boomer and then I saw Boomer running off with a nice pile of Milk Duds, then Mom got Boomer to stop at which time he dropped the snack.  Then I saw Mom covering up the snack with dirt and telling Boomer he wasn’t going to eat that then come into the house and throw up!


Then they started back toward ME!!!!

I had to hurry, I was only a little ways into my snack…my old teeth and jaws don’t chew as fast as they used too.  Suddenly Mom was there.


Dang it, so I did.

She then got hold of my collar (she already had Boomer’s collar) and we headed back home.



On the way we met Sam…he just gave us this look of — you guys sure are dumb.

Boomer told him, but they taste so good!

By the time we reached Sam, Mom wasn’t leading us anymore.  I sure wanted to turn around and give a wistful look at the Maternity Ward, but I was a little concerned I would get yelled at in front of the cat, so I didn’t.

Back home, Mom put us in the house.

Boomer didn’t throw up…he said he only got a little taste before Mom got there.

I suppose we won’t get to go to the Maternity Ward now for some time.

