New, Fresh, Alive—Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Here we are at 6:00 in the morning!

Then at 7:00 in the morning!

Everything is so fresh and alive since the storms have moved on!

The feeling of New is such a wonderful gift!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


The Full Moon Floating in the Sky — Sunday, March 20, 2022

Busily moving through the clouds

Floating so close I think I could reach out and touch it

March’s Full Moon Showering Moondust on us, in the setting of the Sun.

From my world to your heart,


The Adventures of Boomer on Friday—Thirteen Years! WOW! — Friday, March 20, 2020

Mom says I get to tell you it is HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TIME!!!

Thirteen Years Mom has been blogging about our lives on our farm on the western slope of Colorado


WOW! Thirteen Years!

Although, I must admit…the UPS truck is much more interesting!

Boomer Beaglie Brown

and Mom!

(And I suppose Dad and Mindy 🙂  )

Boy, Does Time Fly—Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Here we are the very first day of Spring!  2019 Spring Equinox

Happy Spring everyone!

To add to that joyous news is my wee announcement from WordPress:

Happy Anniversary with!

You registered on 12 years ago.

Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.

Gosh, how fast time have flown…not the easing of life between each season; spring, summer, fall and winter

But the years…it doesn’t seem like 12 years.  Yet over those 12 years, I have made many wonderful friends through this blog.

Each one of you a jewel in my day and a gift to my heart!

Thank you, everyone!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



And Then it All Happened—Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Terry was moving right along, on the last plowed field, when suddenly

The alternator went out.  He had to walk home, get me, and another tractor— then we hauled it home.

Thankfully he could get another part in the morning when the freight comes into the parts house, and he has a couple more tractors he can use 🙂

He finished up one field, had to leave the other field, until the part came in, but got out the little tractor and harrowed down the cow patties on the alfalfa field.

Then while fixing supper

I stabbed my hand—that’s what happens when you get in a rush.  I couldn’t get the blood to stop so headed to hospital…where I got staples, of all things.

I have found the staples are pretty good at catching and snagging on stuff…shish!

Anyway, we just slowed down for a little bit…the part came in this morning, the hand is healing and we are back in the swing of things.

You have a good one!
Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Why I Come Here—Monday, March 20, 2017

Yesterday I got a message from WordPress:
Happy Anniversary with!
You registered on 10 years ago.
Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.
Ten years!  Goodness times has flown.  Terry and my hair have turned color, in that time, his is white and mine gray….we are both retired from downtown jobs
Our grandchildren have grown from tiny infants into much bigger kids.
Still the drifting clouds and the breezes continue to move over the land we call home.
 And we still continue to farm.  Working the soil, building fences, taking care of the this piece of property that calls to Terry and I.
And for me, I love blogging.
I’ve met so many wonderful friends here, people who have become more than a push of the like button…
For you — each one of you…sit close to me for a spell and we get to know each other.
Thank you for my wonderful ten years of blogging.

Plowing—It’s the Only Way to Go—Sunday, March 20, 2016

Plowing-2Terry started plowing the old corn fields


Burying the old stalks, leaves, left over cobs, and cow manure….oh yes!  And the MILK DUDS…back into the ground to mellow out and decompose.

Plowing-3 I must say I am Tickled to Death about the Milk Duds, Beef Jerky and other assorted ‘chews’  NOT readily available for Boomer.

RichAlthough, he still goes out and tries to find them, they are now in the rich soil doing wonders for the earth worms and not Boomer’s tummy!


SmilesHe gained three pounds during this February…now he is on a diet.  One I’ve imposed and one the plowed earth took away.  Three pounds is huge on a 35 pound Beagle!

GoldI finished all but one big spot of work last night in the sunset.  Which, by the way, was stunning.

Have a good one, my friends!


Just for Fun March 20, 2014

Yesterday, Fuzzy, Boomer and I took a walk about…I needed to get out and do something..Fuzzy needed some exercise and Boomer really wanted to go check out some smells.

Once out on the land I thought it would be a fun little sidebar trip to show you the difference in plowed and rolled land.ClodsThis is what plowing does to the land. These huge clumps of dirt are horrible to walk in–I’ve had to chase many an escaped animal through these cliffs of soil.  They have a way of slowing you down.  One nice thing about slowing you down, is they also slow down the sheep, goat, cow or horse that is making their way through them.


Then the roller comes along and smashes everything–now it’s easy to walk on the land again.  It won’t stay this way long as the next steps have to move along quickly so we can be ready to start water around the first of April.


A person could NOT plant anything in here, the soil would not sub and the seed couldn’t get a hold, but all the humus is now turned under to start rotting.  Adding to the richness of the soil and giving more food to the plants.


The dogs and I checked some of the work that effect us…cleaning out the ditches!  Huge job. I much rather clean out the cement ditches than the gated pipes though.

HayThen we looked at the alfalfa field — its starting to green up nicely.

In about an hour I need to head up to where Terry is working with the back hoe.  He is having a trench dug for the very last of the transmission pipe to our place.  After we get that in place we will have all our transmission/distribution pipes underground–less weeds, less loss to subbing and evaporation.

My foot is coming along nicely.  I did too much yesterday, but after a good night’s rest I’m able to use it again.  Sure wasn’t a good time of the year to get a hurt.

Off now to head up to the ditch!
Your farm friend,
