The Adventures of TLC Cai-Cai on Friday—-Farm Life Series 9, The Crop Market, Friday, September 24, 2021


“Come in, TLC Cai-Cai,” Mom invited. “Come sit with me for a spell and have your head rubbed.

So, I did.

So, she did.  It was so peaceful, just sitting with Mom, purring.

Maybe you could tell me more about Farm Living, Mom. I purred.

“Well, let’s see…the Crop market.  I don’t think I’ve told you about the crop market.  You see this is the PRICE Dad gets when he sells something. That price is set by a thing called “Supply and Demand.”  Mom explained, as she gently rubbed under my chin.

AHHHHH….so nice.  Purrr.

“What that means is, if there is a lot of something, then the price for that something is low, but if there isn’t a lot of something then the price rises higher.”  I stretched out my full length so Mom would rub on my backbone.

“So, you see, if the market is down, then the whole season’s work (March through November) can make it so a farmer doesn’t get anything for all his effort.

That is why a farmer tries to grow lots and lots of different crops. There is corn for silage/ensilage, corn for people to eat all summer long called sweet corn, corn for animals, and corn for people called corn flakes, cornmeal, lots of corn things.  This is why corn is such a big crop.  At least around our part of the world.”  Mom petted me all the way down my side and clear over to the tip of my tail.


“Some farmers grow onions, and pinto beans, and pumpkins, and well just lots and lots of different products so people and animals can eat.”

“Oh, yes, Mom said scratching my ears OH MY THAT FEELS GOOD—and hay.  Hay can be alfalfa and it can be grass. We grow alfalfa here. This way farmers try to have different types of crops so there is always some money coming in.”

In, I thought dreamily to myself.  I understand about wanting and needing to come in.

Suddenly Dad was in the house getting a drink of water. I jumped up and headed toward the door.

I’ve had enough of In…

Out I go with Dad.

TLC Cai-Cai

Working Off the Farm for the Farm, —- Thursday, September 24, 2020

We spent yesterday hauling dirt from the settling pond a mile away, back onto our farm to use next winter.

The smell of dirt, filled our nostrils from start to finish 🙂

We had an audience

They LOVE watching FARM TV.

From 8 in the morning until the setting of the sun; back and forth we went.

Although the work was revitalizing, in a comforting sort of way…it was also very exhausting — lurking right there under the current level of necessary energy.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Gossip Talk Loud and Clear —-Tuesday, September 24, 2019

“The Best Teachers are the Ones Who Tell you Where to Look, but do Not Tell You what to See.”

In the Fall the Crows and Ravens arrive

They are amazing creatures…never holding their tongue.  Talk, talk, talk, there among the tired and worn leaves.

For, if they know it! They tell it!


Gossipy birds! 🙂

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Autumn a Distinct Kind of Loveliness—-Monday, September 24, 2018

Very early we rose on Saturday morning, got all our chores done and headed to Grand Mesa

Where some good people, friends of ours (who live on Grand Mesa year-round), offered to take us on a four-wheeler trip to Green Mountain and back to their house again.

We rode in a bright chilly morning,

Stopping along the way to view the burst of joyful color on the land and the amazing blue of the sky

By mid-morning, the air was soft and warm, with a gentle breeze now and then causing the yellow leaves to drift down of us as we rode along.

Forty-two miles round trip we went…over and under and around so many gorgeous places

The exhilaration of the views, the physical demands of the ride, and the good company we enjoyed made for a day most special.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Rain and Cold Wind the Weather Has Turned—-Sunday, September 24, 2017

The weather has turned…the long days of wonderful warm (even hot) weather is now gone.  Fled to other parts unknown.

The brilliant days of summer blurred through wind and rain into

 True days of Fall.  The light is different now…

The colors more diffused, although sometimes shinning brilliant

As though the heavens are breathing…taking in summer letting out Autumn

Fall is not an empty time…it the accumulation of the spring and summer…some of the corn is being turned into silage, the onions are being pulled waiting for drying weather then sacked and sold,

And of course all the pinto beans are pulled and waiting for drying weather, so they, too, can be combined and sold.

The sky itself moves constantly sending us rainbows through the mists…

Sending me gifts of rainbows from others—our son-in-law captured one on his way to work

So far no frost! But cold days and even colder nights

Fall has arrived in all it’s amazing splendor!

From my world to your heart,




Storms–Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Stoem-moving-in-1We have had a series of storms moving though our area.  Sunday was nicely wet, and so was Sunday night and early Monday morning.

Storm-Moving-in-5The sun peaked through the clouds Sunday night and graced our lives with dramatic color, then the rains came.



Having the rain has been nice!  It sure has helped me keep the lawn green down at the other house and has given my yard a nice soaking.  The Upper End is looking rich and lush with really nice grass.

Mr. Davis’ cows are going to have a real feast come this winter.

Your friend,
