In the Long Soft Light of the Heavens — Wednesday, May 22, 2019

We are going on with more and more rain, snow in the high country, and
And a chill the little summer birds are not used to experiencing
Although my yard and flowers are rather enjoying their new fate of cool,
(cold) wet rainy days and nights
As for me, my heart yearns for sunshine
Still, I must marvel at the amazing beauty of the very wet earth
And the sun on the snow-covered mountains
Each day is still a marvel.  More than a deceptive dream as some would argue,
but a true gift from the God(s)
Valerie (a dearest and wonderful friend) sent me one of her favorite poems by the Sufi poet Kabir…

O servant, where dost thou seek Me?

Lo! I am beside thee.
I am neither in temple nor in mosque: I am neither in Kaaba nor
in Kailash:
Neither am I in rites and ceremonies, nor in Yoga and
If thou art a true seeker, thou shalt at once see Me: thou shalt
meet Me in a moment of time.

And at the end of this lovely poem, Valerie wrote: “I treasure those lovely words and thoughts”…

As do I.

From my world to your heart,


Fall is in the Air

We are waking up to cooler and cooler morning, although the day does warm up nicely….around 88*. 

The birds are going…first the robins, several weeks ago, then the Meadowlarks, on August 31st, as I was watching the barn swallows all seemed to gather together and fly away.  It was really cool to see and watch.

The whole thing made me a little sad, though.

Yesterday afternoon a huge flock of geese came honking back, a welcome site after losing all the summer birds.

We still have hummers, any day now I expect to see them gone.  It will be just like the robins….they will leave, I will miss seeing them and realize they have left.

On the upside of losing summer the cottonwoods are starting to color up here and there, just a limb or so, but if you look you can see the yellow starting to appear.

The rabbit brush is blooming and the golden rod.  If you look at my yard it still looks like summer, but I know better.  I know better.

Of course, Wal-Mart has switched over to ‘Back to School’ and I noticed yesterday that that was going by the way side and Halloween and Thanksgiving coming in.

I guess I had better get my head around it….Fall is here.

Have a wonderful Sunday!


Pass Out the Pills