All Together We are One —- Monday, May 22, 2023

Jelly is for each and every one

AHHH—Love is in the air

To dance (and fly) for joy

Learning to share is always important

Taking control is leadership—-just say’n


A great place for courting


Spring is in the air!

(Sigh!  May the best man win)

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


At Some Point —- Sunday, May 22, 2022

“At some point in life, the world’s beauty becomes enough.  You don’t need to photograph, paint, or even remember it.  It is enough.” — Toni Morrison 

When I was little my Mother used to tell me, that whenever we had fog (Fog is a rare and beautiful thing here in the High Mountain Desert)

That a cloud came to Earth for a rest.

Saturday morning, we woke to a cloud sitting on our part of the Earth; resting.

From my world to your heart,



In the Long Soft Light of the Heavens — Wednesday, May 22, 2019

We are going on with more and more rain, snow in the high country, and
And a chill the little summer birds are not used to experiencing
Although my yard and flowers are rather enjoying their new fate of cool,
(cold) wet rainy days and nights
As for me, my heart yearns for sunshine
Still, I must marvel at the amazing beauty of the very wet earth
And the sun on the snow-covered mountains
Each day is still a marvel.  More than a deceptive dream as some would argue,
but a true gift from the God(s)
Valerie (a dearest and wonderful friend) sent me one of her favorite poems by the Sufi poet Kabir…

O servant, where dost thou seek Me?

Lo! I am beside thee.
I am neither in temple nor in mosque: I am neither in Kaaba nor
in Kailash:
Neither am I in rites and ceremonies, nor in Yoga and
If thou art a true seeker, thou shalt at once see Me: thou shalt
meet Me in a moment of time.

And at the end of this lovely poem, Valerie wrote: “I treasure those lovely words and thoughts”…

As do I.

From my world to your heart,


Out on a Limb—-Tuesday, May 22, 2018

While over at the other hay stack yard and implement yard, I saw

This darling little squirrel, gently sunning him/herself on a bare branch of a Tamarisk Tree–Salt Cedar is the common name.

Carefully Boomer and I left the area…allowing him/her the right to a bit of sunshine and a wee rest in the Spring-time air.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Two Gifts from Two Friends—Monday, May 22, 2017

Kate from that wondrous land from Down Under sent me this amazing rainbow photo:

She wrote:

After the bad weather over the past few days, we had the most sensational sunset last night, and at one point a small vertical band of rainbow appeared in the east, amongst pink clouds reflecting off the sunset.  I jumped out of the car and grabbed a photo with my phone – it hasn’t come out brilliantly, and you can’t really see the cooler end of the spectrum, but I thought you might like it for your collection. There was no bow, just this upright band of rainbow colour…

I’ll be doing a post with one of the sunset shots later so you can see just how dramatic it was! (You can click on the blue lines above and it will take you to here blog! 🙂 )
and from the Black Forrest, by Colorado Springs, Elaine sent this one:
This photo was taken last evening ~ Especially for you. Now there is over 3″ of heavy wet snow. Mother Nature… What are you thinking?

I keep thinking… Good for the fire danger because it was so dry here.

How lucky I am to see these beautiful rainbows!

Now you are lucky also!



Go Forth Today—-Sunday, May 22, 2016

ShadowsGo forth today, my friends each and everyone—

MorningReach out to those things that touch your heart, your mind and your soul

First-irrigation-of-the-PinI wish for you peace and  healing a joy this day

SharpenedMay you find that rare thing—a break from all your worries and stress

BA day of feeling young again!

