In the Quiet of the Day —- Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Gloss of the blooms

Send out warm enticing scents

To gift the nose

The eye

And the little pollinators

By evening

The warmed up (to almost broiling air)

Sends fragrant wafts of scents

Throughout the opened windows

On the gentle night breeze.

From my world to your heart,



A Gleam in the Eye— Monday, June 3, 2019

I was sitting still waiting, in the peace and quiet— when a wee joy set down on the edge of the grain head

She fluffed and fluttered, turning this way and that.

Until just the perfect man arrived!

Sometimes we are gifted with the ordinary

Which really isn’t.ordinary after all.

From my world to your heart,



I am Always Inordinately Pleased with the Common Things of Life — Wednesday, May 29, 2019

It’s been downright cool here of late

Still, the cooler weather has the spring flowers looking nice

The wind has been rather terrible, causing the tall bearded iris to slant and wave dangerously

Some  of the plants are showing yellow from the lack of sunshine,

But others seem to flourish in the limited sun and warmth

Still the spring air

of very cool, nights and slightly warmer days

Seem to bring something special to my garden of blooms

So here we are

with the weather a tad raw,

Being gifted with jewels

Of a most wondrous kind!

From my heart to your world,



In the Long Soft Light of the Heavens — Wednesday, May 22, 2019

We are going on with more and more rain, snow in the high country, and
And a chill the little summer birds are not used to experiencing
Although my yard and flowers are rather enjoying their new fate of cool,
(cold) wet rainy days and nights
As for me, my heart yearns for sunshine
Still, I must marvel at the amazing beauty of the very wet earth
And the sun on the snow-covered mountains
Each day is still a marvel.  More than a deceptive dream as some would argue,
but a true gift from the God(s)
Valerie (a dearest and wonderful friend) sent me one of her favorite poems by the Sufi poet Kabir…

O servant, where dost thou seek Me?

Lo! I am beside thee.
I am neither in temple nor in mosque: I am neither in Kaaba nor
in Kailash:
Neither am I in rites and ceremonies, nor in Yoga and
If thou art a true seeker, thou shalt at once see Me: thou shalt
meet Me in a moment of time.

And at the end of this lovely poem, Valerie wrote: “I treasure those lovely words and thoughts”…

As do I.

From my world to your heart,


Very Late with my Post today—-Thursday, June 7, 2018

I’m very late today because Terry and I spent the whole morning in the Emergency room at the Delta Hospital, yesterday—-I know that isn’t today.  But YESTERDAY set me back today! 🙂

You see yesterday Terry hurt his foot so right after he and I (he supervised) got the irrigation done and he rested his foot for a spell. (and I posted to my blog.)

He felt like we should go to the hospital and get his foot examined.

So off we went, got checked in and then waited.  For two hours.  Then it was our turn…really Terry’s turn.

After blood work and Xrays and lots of other things…we were sent off to get a prescription (by now it was noon and over three hours later.)

I took the prescription to Wal Mart…took us to eat, then went back to Wal Mart (one hour later) got the prescription… (for pain and swelling) Making it five hours from when we walked into the hospital.

Took us back home, where I collapsed into a very deep nap.

Got up helped Terry around. Then headed out and checked the rows—water is short now, so we MUST keep checking and making sure the water is going down the furrows not stopped somewhere along the way or plugged up from some weed or something.

Came back (it was so hot, Boomer wouldn’t go with me 🙂  ) and worked in my yard.  I can finally say I have the whole yard weeded!  It won’t last, but at this moment I am weed free.  Tomorrow I won’t be able to say that! 🙂

Then it was suppertime, and time to change the water again.  Terry felt good enough to go with me and hang out while we move water.

Today, Terry is much better.  Can walk some on his foot, but still must keep it elevated and iced. And he was able to walk a short ways moving the dams.

So life is getting better again.  We are on the way back to good health, the water is going down the furrows, the crops are growing, my yard is full of late Spring blooms, gradually fading into Early Summer flowers.

It’s hot here 97* yesterday (36c), WHICH I LOVE!!!

Everything is full of peace!

Life is good!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



The Day Filled with Wonder—-Wednesday, June 6, 2018

There is always something to see

Something new to discover, just there…or over here…or right before our eyes

Some wonderful thing reflected back to us in the light


Color reflected on to our iris’; showing the world as new.

We are lucky, you and I, for having the gift of this amazing world we call earth.

From my world to your heart,


Bright Days—Sunday, June 3, 2018

We’ve planted another alfalfa field.  That will make two fields in our place.  Alfalfa lasts anywhere from three to five years, so the initial cost of buying gold (:) ) pays for itself over time.

We’ve been very hot and very dry here.  I am thinking some of you might have learned about the huge fire at Durango, Colorado. 

Durango, Colorado is about 2 1/2 hours from us.  Over the

San Juan Mountain Range.  Just to the south of us.

Fire is so scary.  And we are so dry.  Although, there is the talk of 50% chance of rain coming in today, which should help.

Today, Terry and I are ‘taking it easy’.  It’s been a hard week, with lots of push and pull and pressure to get the hay sold and loaded and on its way to its new home to feed animals.

Don’t take me wrong.  The selling of the hay (within 24 hours) was amazing and wonderful, and a huge blessing.

Plus I have a waiting list of 10 people who want some of the second cutting of hay and to be put on the list for third.  Many of those people have called back saying it’s some of the best hay they have ever had.  (That’s always nice to hear.  Makes the hard work worthwhile.  So it’s not just the money, but the satisfaction of a product done right!)

And it was our first paycheck for the year!  🙂  Which is always a very good thing.  Spring is such an expensive time, with so much money going out, that the money coming in from the hay sales is very welcome.

We will have two more cuttings of alfalfa this year.  Normally Terry doesn’t cut the new field allowing it to grow and go into the winter to feed the cows which winter here on the farm.  But hay is very short here so he may cut the new field.  Only time will tell.

So, today, we have a wee slow down.  Just the maintenance of the irrigation water, the few things I want to do in the house, and rest.  Being in your 70’s having a wee day of maintaining the status quo is a rather nice thing.

I hope you have a perfect Sunday!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



The Dream Which Holds Us—Thursday, May 31, 2018

A squall blew up for a few seconds/minutes yesterday…dropping light rain on the ground and messing up all the just washed windows….ah, well, they will wash again.

Then the clouds dispersed and a steadily strengthening sun came out…I didn’t see a rainbow.  😦

There were other beautiful things to share—the warm evening air, tenting us with the feeling of silk on our skin

The light and shadows falling on those things in bloom, making welcome colors for our eyes

And that sound of always running water, giving life to crops.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


In the Golden Sunlight—-Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The afternoon quiet, except for the movement of the tractor and the haystack wagon, the going back and forth to the field, I weeded in my yard.

Where the sound of the canal, the chirps and songs of the birds, and the humming of the honey and bumble bees…

Made the moments of the day calm and content.

Gradually the light started to shorten

When we heard the sound of a vehicle coming down the long lane into the farm yard.

Our daughter, son-in-law, grandchildren and newly adopted grand-dog, had arrived to spend the night with us!

From my world to your heart,


Ordinary Dreams — Sunday, May 20, 2018

Ordinary dreams are never clear–they are jumbles of this and that

As we sleep we walk in small places where the old gods used to roam

In that time long-before Christ came.

Those ancient gods of hills and woods and streams

We wander here and there in the dusk of our daily happenings, free from rituals, cities crowded with men

Where sometimes we walk thoughtlessly, as if we are kings, or fairies, or even riding on stars moving silently in the Universe

Sometimes we meet scary unknown things, which zip out of the air of our thoughts, rushing toward us like a demon felt only within the dark

Jerking awake, breathing like we are riding the wind—to realize we just dream.

Turning over…flipping the pillow to the cool side, we once more fall asleep and dream


A thoughtlessly as wee babe in a mother’s arms.

I hope your Sunday is a very good one!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,
