Burdens, There Really aren’t Any —- Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Nothing is really a burden.  It’s just a step to take—a time to process and ‘think through’ the problem.  Sometimes even wait for a spell.

As my mother would say to me [in the final days of her life]—just step back and wait, everything always works out for the best —- if you will just let it.

Burdens are nothing, but a wee bit of heavy for a spell.

That is all.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


The Adventures of TLC Cai-Cai on Friday—-OUTSIDE!!!, Friday, April 2, 2021

Mindy gets to go outside!


I want to go outside!


So, Mom hooked me up with something that chokes me and we went out.

The wind was blowing.

It was coooooooooold.

We came back in.

Later on, it warmed up; Dad took me out!


Then I had to come back in.

Mom says I can go out gradually, a little bit every day.

She says she doesn’t want Mindy to get mad at me and fight me.  (I feel strong, I told Mom, I can fight Mindy. —that is exactly the problem, Mom replied.)

And, Mom went on to explain—I don’t want Mindy leading you off into the depths of the farm and you won’t know your way back. And, YES, Mindy would do that.

You can go out with either Dad and I, then when we feel comfortable you can go out on your own. The time is coming, TLC, soon.  Very soon.  Mom said.


TLC Cai-Cai

The Lovely Month has Arrived, Day Two, Now here — Thursday, April 2, 2020

We are experiencing a lovely April so far,

Although, the weather folks are saying rain is due in (April Showers ) today or tomorrow with a cool-down

That’s okay…a wee bit of rain is good for so many things

April is such a delightful month…golden land starting to turn green

The constant work to ready the farm for planting

Plus getting my yard all clean and ready for plants and seeds of my own

The gifts of spring tell me that I sat around too much over winter, that my body is feeling it’s age

After very restless sleep the day brings me NEW—everything clean and fresh and brilliant

Making my mind and soul feel like a child again.

From my world to your heart,



My Dog Cousins—Tuesday, April 2, 2019

My dog cousins get to go on really cool long walks and runs when my oldest sister and Jason go for horseback rides.  They tell me they even get to sing at the top of their voices, because the wind, the sunlight, and trees love to hear hounds singing in the woods!

The ride in the tack room of the trailer is ever so comforting and restful.

I’ve gotten to go a couple of times and boy is it so much FUN!

Boomer Beaglie on a TUESDAY!  Can you believe THAT!




No Sense of Relief Yet—-Monday, April 2, 2018

We are still waiting….for the irrigation water to come.

Three times Terry called the Ditch People and asked for the water.

Three times they said the next day or the following day or for sure on Monday.

We are ready….more than ready.  All the fields, which will be planted to corn, are disked, plowed, rolled, leveled, marked out…the ditches made (the ditch to carry the water to the field and the ditch to take the water to the next field), the alfalfa field is marked out and waiting, growing greener by the day—but it would grow in leaps and bounds after it gets water.

We’ve cleaned all the ditches—and I’m working on my yard….we are ready.

More than ready…we are beyond ready.

Around noon today we will (once more) travel up to the head gate for our canal, the F N Canal to see where the water is…once more.

Surely it won’t be long now!

Your very restless friend on a western Colorado farm, (standing in a holding pattern 🙂  )


A Saturday Event—Sunday, April 2, 2017

Saturday Linkin had a basketball tournament in New Castle, Colorado (her mother went with her), Tally had a soccer game, of which her Dad is her coach, and Blade had a track meet in Cedaredge, Colorado where Grandpa, I, Aunt Kimi and Uncle Cliff—and Cliff’s side of the family,  the delightful Ivy and Norm came to support Blade.

The weather was perfect as an April Fool’s Joke.

We drove up in thick fog, sat through extreme chilling wind, splatters of rain, scudding clouds that hid a warm warm sun, which peaked out in random moments

The kids looked blue as icicles at different times…but they kept on keeping on.

But no matter…it was great fun!

The last race Bladen ran it was pouring rain.  Miserable for those kids participating.

But this…this growing fast Freshman…would take time to come see us…visit with us before heading back to warm up for his next event.

No embarrassment for him!  We are sure lucky people.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


CANAL is FULL!–Thursday, April 2, 2015

Yesterday was a very busy day and full of lots of new things.


First rattle out of the box I saw a sundog or sunshine on ice crystals in the sky.  Sundogs mean cold weather is coming…and SOON!

Today is cold.  It’s supposed to get colder, then by Sunday (Easter Day) we will start another slow warm-up.

Trash-MovingAround noon the Uncompahgre Valley Water Users worker bees showed up (Ditch Riders), which meant the canal was filling up with water.  The above photo show us the HUGE amount of trash which collects in the canals over winter.

TrashAbove this tree is our ditch rider, in a backhoe, trying to take out as much of the trash as he can so the bridge will carry the water.

You can see by this photo that the trash is thinning down.

Clear-sort-ofThere clean…sorta!


Then I saw this on a blog friend’s site and thought it was cool.  I also thought all you would find it interesting  (if you don’t already know).

Sota makes a person wonder if a big change really is about to happen, doesn’t it?

We are supposed to have high winds this afternoon (to blow in the cold front) and then again on Saturday and possibly Sunday to blow out this cold front.

Off now to keep working on my yard…what a huge mess it is this year.  I hope each and everyone of you have a really nice day!

Your friend,




Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Terry finished ripping the old pinto bean ground.  Old pinto bean ground doesn’t have to disked, plowed, rolled, and leveled, it only has to be ripped and rolled and then marked.


(He is using the ripper here.)

Terry will finish rolling it today, then he (and I) will continue work on the transmission ditch.  This our main ditch from the head gate to our whole farm —it is where we are laying pipe so the work load can shrink.  Just like moving everything to your computer the upfront work is hard, but after that everything is a breeze.


Putting the main ditch in pipe, underground will help with the loss of water from evaporation  the slew of weeds that love having an unlimited supply of water, and HIP HIP HOORAY keeping the trash out of the rest of the ditches.

Oh, there will still be some trash, because THE WIND DOTH BLOW IN OUR PART OF COLORADO, but it will shrink considerably!


We’ve been having storms playing along the edges of the Uncompahgre Plateau and over the canyons, sure makes for exciting sky photos!

Happy Spring Tuesday!
