How Quickly the Years Swept By — Monday, January 2, 2023

Yesterday was my Daddy’s birthday.  He was born on January 1, 2026

The January he was ten, his father passed away from pneumonia.

It was a horrible– bitter– melancholy time.

His mother, Francis, re-married Charles Holder. I always knew her as Grandma Holder, although, our last name was Doyle.

By the time Daddy turned 16, the world was in a huge conflict, called WWII.

Just as Daddy turned seventeen Grandma signed so Daddy could ‘go to the Navy’

Of course, there are lots of pieces of Daddy’s story I am skipping.  You do understand.

Here I am on my second Christmas —Momma, Me, and Daddy

Then by the time I was three along came Danny.

Daddy!  Sometimes it feels like your shadow is close to me. Soaking into the earth and stones…touching my shoulders, putting your arm around me, filling the sky like a torch of light.

Yesterday you would have turned 97 if you were still in earthly form.

Instead, we lost you in 1999.

But still— sometimes, when I turn quickly or feel something brush my hair, I sense you are there.

Still a part of my life and my heart.

Love you, Daddy, always.

From my heart to your world,


In the New and Freshly Turned Leaf on the Calendar—Thursday, January 2, 2020

We begin a new and marvelous adventure in the year 2020.

But, before we move forward, I thought I would show you an interesting little adventure we had with a log from the fireplace.

We had a log that was creating a huge problem for us, so we took it out of the fireplace, loaded it into the wheel barrel.  Terry then placed it in a bucket, which I filled with water.

Topping the bucket with a lid, we decided to leave the bucket in place until the holes in the bucket drained all the water out of it.

Mindy and Boomer were fascinated by this strange object sitting the middle of the road

I enjoyed watching their interest at this odd thing in the wrong place.

The next day we dumped the log out of the can, whereby I then had charcoal.  I waited until the log unfroze; took it into the woodstove, and had a long and glorious fire. A nice little gift.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,




Baby It’s Cold Outside—-Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Well, we fell to -11* f (-23c) this morning and warmed up to -5* f (-20c) when I came up here to write to you.

Although the weather people are promising we will be MUCH warmer than yesterday zooming up to 28* (-2c) for at least a short spell this afternoon.

So here we are at the start of a new year, snow on the ground and in the mountains (where we really, really need it) and sunshine today

We are in one of those ‘between places’

Where it seems the world has stopped for a spell…neither one thing or another thing

Allowing us to walk in a cloud of cold so harsh your nose sticks together, yet so stunningly beautiful you want to be outside and enjoy everything.

And for some reason…only the crows know…they have taken to gather in huge flocks called a Murder of Crows…

Which are actually rather neat to see and hear

Stay warm my friends and enjoy the day!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Dancing (Walking) in the Light of Wolf Moon—Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Our little walk around mid-night last night (Our meaning Boomer, Butter–visiting nephew dog, and Myself) started out under cover of clouds

Gradually they started to thin

Breaking forth to sprinkle moonlight on us

A glorious moon for the start of a New Year.

From my heart to your world,



The End of the Old and the Slight Beginning of the New —- Monday, January 2, 2016


“You are never to old to set another goal or to dream a new dream”–Unknown

Last night my exhausted body could NOT find rest, because of my determined mind wanting to stay up all night carousing around and around and around.

january-2-002The house was silent, save for the pops and snaps of the wood burning in the woodstove.  And my restless thoughts. I’m sure they were visible they were so loud in my brain!

Today I’m tired and can’t get my ‘self’ to move.


Oh well, hopefully I can sleep tonight and be a much more energetic blogger tomorrow.





Right on Time–Winter’s Chill–Friday, January 2, 2015

Coming-InThe Sunday after Christmas a strong winter storm made it’s way across the Utah border and onto the the Uncompahgre Plateau (Un-come-pah-gray accent on the pah). We watched it slowly fill in the canyons and draws, skimming the tops of the mesas until it started to push it’s way into the Roubidoux Canyon.  Once in the canyon it’s just a matter of a fast wind before it hits us.  We are the first mesa after you leave the canyon…you can see the flat lands below us (we are the last farm on California Mesa – just before the flat lands which drop off into Roubidoux Canyon.)

UpthereMonday morning the kids headed back in a snow storm, leaving well before the storm stopped.

By afternoon the Uncompahgre Plateau was white and we had about an inch of snow. Today we we have about and 1 1/2 inches— not a lot of snow.  But what we do have is COLD!

That typical cold, which freezes your skin the minute you head outside.  Your air puffs white and steamy as you breathe in and out, in and out.  With conditions just right you nose even freezes shut. Sure is a nasty feeling.


Boomer and I still go walking late at night.  The moon is almost full now, which allows me to walk without a flashlight—-although I do take one with me.

The air is crisp and full of sounds.  Sounds carry far in cold air…I can hear the coal train going through Delta on it’s way to Utah, I can hear the neighbors cows from over in the hollow, and the sound of cars and trucks passing way over there.


Boomer and I walk along …he smells all the news along the way, I see the foot prints…bunny, mice, birds, deer, Sammy the cat’s paw prints,  and other canine prints…dog? Coyote? Wild dog packs? Cy-dogs?  I don’t pause to decide what I’m looking upon.  Lots of our neighbors allow their dogs to roam the farms (never a good idea–a dog chasing livestock is sure to be shot).

When the chill starts to be too much we head back toward the house and the heat of the wood fire. Boomer settles back down for a long winter nap. After filling the wood stove I like to sit by the window watching the frozen world full of white/silver moonlight; the cats sit with me–Sammy on top of the sofa and Monkey in the window.  We all stare outside marveling at the mid-night beauty of ice, snow, and sparkling white moonlight.

Your friend on a very frozen farm in the western part of Colorado,




Day Length January 2, 2014

BlueOnce we get to December 21st I eagerly await the moment that our time…the length of the day starts to grow visibly longer.

We are NOT at the point…yet!  But it won’t be long now :)!

On December 21st our day was a SHORT 9 hours and 27 minutes.


(Yes, I know that day length is relative to where each and everyone lives, but for me and those who live close to me…this is our day length)

Gradually the day has added 5 minutes of time to the day!  We now have 9 hours and 32 minutes of daylight.  Rich, rays of sun, even if they must filter through frozen air.

On January 31st our day will consist of 10 whole hours and 12 minutes of daylight.


But, alas this is still winter…not only that it is January.  From January we will slide into February…two of the coldest months of the year…

But here is the thing…I can handle the cold if I can see the sun! I can handle the knowledge of winds from the north, winds that tear your skin off your face—- if I know that in 59 or so more days winter will start to abate.

So while we are gearing up for more layers upon layers of clothing those of you enjoying summer will see the temperatures rise.  You will walk along beaches, or in forests, you will sit outside on veranda’s an slip ice tea or a cola.

I used to be so selfish I only wanted to go right from Christmas to SPRING!  Not any more.  Now I have wonderful friends from all over the world from the top side of the equator and the bottom half of the globe… this knowledge makes me stop and whisper to myself—

“Share”  They also enjoy summer!  I can go and visit their blogs and see tropical gardens in bloom, I can watch others playing in the warmth and I can rejoice for their good.



The gift that now comes to all of us in the northern half of the world is the slowly, but surely shifting of the mighty earth as it swirls and twirls around the sun allowing more light into our long cold days!

Therefore, I rejoice for these longer day!

Your Friend on a farm in Western Colorado,
