The Adventures of Boo Berry Betty and TLC Cai-Cai on Friday—-The Day After Thanksgiving, Friday, November 24, 2023

Mom said she was too full from yesterday and needed a wee walkabout.

So off we all went–to look at this and that

We searched for mice, and grasshoppers, and walked here and there.

Then it was home again, home again, home again.

Walkabouts are fun!  Sometimes I don’t even have to walk.


(and Boo Berry)


Wishing for Each of You and Wonderful Thanksgiving — Thursday, November 24, 2022

Tom Turkey.  He was such a pet. After much time he got too big for hanging around; he then went to live with a man who took him everywhere, while he did his lawn caring business.

Tom Turkey.  You were a hoot!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Dancing, Dancing, Dancing in the Sunlight —- Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The dance of food/life

The sun and jet…streaming in the shivering air

Lawerance of Arabia, Tonto’s replacement…dancing, dancing for all the girls

The Quail rising into the sky

Moonlight; adding beauty to the earth, air, the heavens

A rather thin little pheasant—dashing, dashing, dashing away.

And my miss at getting a nice photo of a Flicker.

Each and everything dancing in my soul.

From my world to your heart,


Dance, Rise in a Swoosh, Whisper Loudly in the Sky —- Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Red-Winged Blackbirds wing playfully all around us

In the fields

Landing in the trees, where they set up a happy sounding fuss

Landing on the lawn

Where they, then, twirl away back into the air

A sky full of reckless delight; vast beauty in an unending expanse of song

While way, way over-head the Canadian Geese fly –the exhilarating sounds of their calls reverberating; mingling with the song of the Red-Winged Blackbirds.

From my world to your heart,





In the Mean Time—-Sunday, November 24, 2019

I finally finished up the wee little heart quilt given to me by my neighbor and a very generous friend.

I went over to her house to ask her some questions about quilting.  When I left for home, I had in my possession a top, batting, and delightful back.  All I had to do was quilt it and put on the edge.

What a fun new project to do!

Thank you, Myrna!

From my world to your heart,




Happy Thanksgiving Everyone—Thursday, November 24, 2016

With all the rain we have been having (on top of snow in the mountains and foothills) I had a most wonderful gift…

thanksgiving-rainbowA November Rainbow!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Your friend on a Western Colorado Farm,


Experimenting—Tuesday, November 24, 2015

After years and years of wanting a Pizzelle Iron I finally broke down and bought one.

Then it was time to make the sweet Italian cookies.  Searching the net I saw there were lots and lots of gluten-free recipes for these wonderful cookies. (I cook totally gluten-free, since Terry, our youngest daughter, and our oldest granddaughter all have Celiac’s Disease.)

To-FillFinally picking one I went for it.  After burning the first two cookies, I quickly got the hang of how they are supposed to look.

Then I tried making the cookies into a roll so I could fill them.

Pizzel-1Yummy.  Although, next time I’m just going to keep them flat and not roll and fill them.  A little sprinkle of shifted powdered sugar and they are good to go.

Your friend ,


Storms and More Storms–Monday, November 24, 2014

LightThe weather people were right…storms and more storms following each other right on each other’s heels…

StormOur neighbor got his corn field baled just at the miserable winds arrived.  Although, the loose corn leaves would not have bothered us, it would have made a huge mess for the Church of the First Born on the corner by the corn field.

RainThe the rain and the sleet descended blocking our view.  That’s okay, the corn fields have blocked our view until just last week.  🙂

FlurriesThen the flurries started bringing snow to the foothills of Grand Mesa, the Uncompahgre Plateau (Un-come-pah-gray), and the area of the Black Canyon,  and rain to us.


Sunday was a good day to sit by the fire!

GoingLast night the storm left and

Morning another one arrived around 4 in the morning.  The sunrise around 6:30 was a promise of more storms—which is true, it’s snowing as I write this.

Later on today we will travel out and gather more corn for sampling the moisture.  A tedious routine now, but necessary.  Just as soon as the meter hits 14% the combine will roar into the life and the big orange truck will find it’s way out to the proper field, waiting for the corn to be loaded into the back.  As soon as the bed is full, the truck will head down to the Elevator…hopefully!  That’s the plan anyway.  Finger’s Crossed and Magic thoughts we can start again (I think I’ve said that at least two times before this time…shish!)

Your friend on a very cold western Colorado farm,
