The Last of Summer —- Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The last of Summer’s hay leaving for tummies close to Olathe.

The only thing we have left to do now is harvest the corn.  It is drying down, but not there yet.


Real soon!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


The Third Cutting —Summer is Winding Down, Thursday, September 29, 2022

The third cutting is accomplished.  All three fields are now “down” drying.

Depending on the weather, the next step will be baling and hauling it in and getting it sold. (Although, some of it is already sold!  🙂  Thankfully)

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Just a Few More Acres —- Monday, July 18, 2022

By the light of that Marvelous moon

And in the blessing of our brilliant sun

With the addition of water

The new field of alfalfa is growing bigger and stronger each and every day!

Ahh, the marvelous, joyful, time called Summer!

Your Friend on a western Colorado farm,


Crops and Where We Are Now — Thursday, September 16, 2021

The corn is drying now…past all its growing time getting ready for harvest

Each field (we have three) shows the maturity of the corn –the shucks drying down,

The tops turning gold, then gradually turning brown.

The kernels are dented

and hard enough you can’t poke a hole in them.

The last set of water has been accomplished and then turned off of all the cornfields.

Although, we are still irrigating the three alfalfa fields.

But, for the corn, the growing season has finished.  Now we wait for it to dry down to the correct dryness, at which time we start corn harvest.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,





We Made It to Third Cutting — Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The smoke is back, seeping into everything (again)

We have made it to the third cutting of alfalfa…both fields are cut and drying now

It will take longer to dry since the nights tingle with Autumn cool

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


That Time of the Year (Again) — Sunday, May 30, 2021


Off he went,

Right after the water was set in the morning

Two days in a row

One field down…two to go!


🙂 🙂 🙂

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


What We Have Been Doing, (all in caps :) ), Wednesday, April 14, 2021

We have two fields of alfalfa being irrigated now…one is almost done (tonight) the other one tomorrow night.

Terry has finished leveling one cornfield, and marked it out, then packed the rows

After which, we started water on it last night.  This will take several days to have this field wet, but we have begun.  After the whole field is wet then it will set for a spell to dry out some. Then we plant.

Of course, there are other fields of corn to go through the

leveling, marking, irrigation, plant process

And another hayfield.  But we are making progress.


Besides helping Terry set tubes, I have been working in my yard.  Two days worth of work and three more to go

And I can say—Spring has arrived in my yard!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Gloriously Hot —Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Perfect for making hay!

Rain, rain, stay away.  Come again some other day!


The third (3rd) cutting of the first field!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Well-Come Summer Days and Summer Work —- Thursday, July 2, 2020

Here we are, the start of July — a time to me as a time of pleasure-

Next week will be the second cutting of the First field of alfalfa—the air will be full of that indescribable sweetness of green

We’ve been cutting brush…a tiny victory which has no truce—seems there are always ‘brush’ to trim 🙂


The corn is growing and growing—

Terry is standing on top of the ditch bank the cornfield is lower than the farm road

Summer is such a favorite time of the  year, for me

Time of heat, color, and joyful little birds

Moving on through the farm

The pastures are looking good, rich, green, lush

No way can I stand on the ditch like Terry…I would fall in!

Summer, when the sun starts moving back toward winter

But, everything else, myself included

Continues to dream-walk through the warmth, the heat, and the beauty of Summer

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,
