Wind! It will Blow Until the Snow is Gone in the Mountains— Thursday, April 25, 2024

Yes!  The wind doth blow!

And the earth responds with a Wind Tunnel/Dirt Devil/Dusty Delight!

Tee Hee

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,




Magic for One is Not Always Magic for Someone Else — Tuesday, April 25, 2023


OH! The chickens have been out here!


(Well, Mom, you’ve been saying you think it’s neat I’m learning how to be a dog.” Heee HEE, chuckle, snort!)

Boo Berry

Even After the Storm —- Monday, April 25, 2022

The world seems full of lace

Even though the wind tried to tear apart the lovely


The fruit trees stood firm

Against the wind, the hail, and the rain

Bringing joy to the sunshine now filling the land.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,




What We Have Been Doing — Part 2, Sunday, April 25, 2021 (AND A RAINBOW)

One of the gated pipes had a huge crack in it’s side—therefore, we had to go through our extra sticks of pipe and haul one over for the repair

Once there the pipe had to be pulled apart

The broken one removed.

(Mindy is helping.  She had to check out the pipe to make sure we got the broken one.)

She approved.

Then we had to put the new pipe in place of the damaged pipe.  And hook up all the pipes together again.

Took lots of time–pulling and tugging, then rolling the gates up into position.

You would think gated pipe would make irrigation easier, but the reality is they are lots of work.

So.  There you go…the time-consuming repairs on top of all the ‘regular stuff.

And the gift of the day—A RAINBOW! 

Oh, the joy!

From my world to your heart,



Those Gentle Springtime Buds —- Thursday, April 25, 2019

Cherry Blossoms

Whenever I walk outside in Springtime, I always feel as if I have entered into a scared time

Cottonwood Leaves

When we have finally crossed that bridge leaving winter behind

Linda’s Tarda Tulips

and step into a whole other world

Pear buds

One whereby we must always ask permission to wander in

Pear Buds

The tiny buds on each and every branch are carriers of hopes and dreams

Pear Blooms

Their beauty so sweetly scented the air is light and playful


Each little bud the keeper of secrets


And soon to manifest the solid reminder of the tree to reproduce itself in fruit.

A walk in the yard is a walk into whorls and swirls of lace and fragrance of a most fleeting and magical time.

From my heart to your world,



Life Up Your Hearts and Sing!!—-Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The joy of these warm, spring days is such a blessing.  Although,

When we had rain showers even the earth raises up and sings the praises of the changes of the seasons.

As we start water on each and every field the soil sings — even to the point you can smell the earth in jubilation.

 “Listen–are you breathing just a little, and calling it a life?”

― Mary Oliver

So lift up your hearts and sing to the joy of the new seasons changing, where ever it is that your home abides.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,




Enmeshed in a Thousand Strands of Daily Living—Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Shannon came and got that darling little grandchild to spend the morning with her.  After which Shannon would deliver that precious little one to her mother in Grand Junction.

With that…Terry said it was time to finish hauling the dirt.

So off we went…

The sky was full of clouds and the air thick and cold when we started out, by the end of the day we were being battered with wind, dirt, and hints of moisture (which never came).

It took seven loads from there to here and back again.  But we finished before  supper…finished before dark, finished for another year.

Everyday I marvel at the wonder of my life…it is enmeshed in a thousand strands of daily actions, which bind Terry and I securely to this bit of earth we call our farm.

From my world to your heart!


The Voice of the Wind—-Monday, April 25, 2016

Dams-1I can’t remember now, which day was so full of wind we had trouble setting the dams in the dirt ditch, maybe it was Thursday or Friday — when you don’t work for someone else each day tends to be the same as the day before and the day following.

More-DamsAnyway we had a big wind for along time.  It was cold at different points, warmer at other points.

Ditch-CompanyThe canals filled up with trash — enough that the ditch company had to come back through with their equipment to clean them out.

More-DCBoomer was deeply enchanted with having them come through

Stranger!The wind actually picked up his ears, for him, as he ran forward to ‘save the farm’  I was delighted at his cute ears flying in the wind!

Mid-night-water-checkWind of that magnitude (55 m.p.h. gusts) causes us to go out several times at night —keeping the canal in it’s banks, the irrigation water in the proper ditches and the furrows going straight.  Night-CheckAll without weeds and debris, to choke everything off and cause floods. Runs like this give us a sense of absolute security.

FlowingThen the wind leaves, pushing its way onto other parts of the country.  The setting sun lights up the water with jewels; the flat lands and canyons below our mesa shadowed in deep indigo and purple, the edges of the Uncompahgre rich in the color of rubies.

SetTerry and I share a deep contentment, of work well done, as we finish up in the company of the sky.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,
