The Adventures of TLC Cai-Cai and Boo Berry —SCATTER— Chapter Six, Friday, September 2, 2022

Okay, dokay, Mom and I were at the Upper End where Mom was busy taking photographs of ever so much,

and I was sniffing the air

from the safety of my little blue seat.

Blue for me. Boo Berry Betty.  Boo Berry cereal is blue, so therefore Mom buys me lots of BLUE stuff.  Besides, Mom told me blue is her first favorite color with lavender her second. So, my name being Boo Berry Betty told Mom she and I were perfect for each other.

Anyway, I got sidetracked.

Mom and I were out on the farm taking photos and smelling all the cool smells on the farm.

Mom saw the little chipmunk, who lives somewhere in the thicket behind the equipment. This little animal likes to run around on the header for the grain combine.  Mom likes to hoover close by to see if she can get any photos of critters who want to run around on the grain header.

Yep, she got a good one! (after Mom put out a small handful of treats 😊)  Chippy has a fun smell too.

Then Mom and I drove to the pond between the Upper End and the Back Forty where Mom SAW A BUTTERFLY!

(I smelled a Giant wild, HUGE wild, Doglike thing; I wonder if that is what Mom calls a coyote?  I just smelled it; the scent was very faint.)

Mom very carefully tried to get a photo of the BIG white butterfly with black trim on its wings.  Mom was hoping to get a really good photo because she thought it might be a Snow Apollos or Rocky Mountain Parnassian, or something like that.

Just as Mom snapped another bazillion shots of the butterfly it lifted up and flew away.

Mom reached out to give me a pat when


Every which, where, and even Up!


Is just what Mom and I did (after a few more photos)

and I was getting nervous.

Mom started the four-wheeler, flipped it into gear and we were GONE!

Boo Berry Betty BROWN!

Singing a Song —Thursday, September 2, 2021

Although, these two photos were taken a day or so ago; joy is in the air, here.

We are having a momentary break in farming!

It’s raining!

Yes, there are still hay bales in the second field (30 bales).

But this lovely shower of air-cleaning rain is just perfect for the soul! (and everything and everyone else 🙂  )

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


And HERE IT IS—-Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The last cutting (3rd) of the second field.

Beautiful, Thick, and Lush.

Now we need sunshine!

Just say’n!

After this is baled and sold we are done for the year!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Contentment of a Misty Sky—Sunday, September 2, 2018

My inbox contained a lovely surprise from Sara, in Kentucky

“Finally, a Rainbow for you!:  she announced.

“The first one I’ve seen all summer!”

Now I’m sharing with you…a stunning Kentucky rainbow covering the Equinox farm with lovely grazing sheep!

Thank you so much, Sara!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


From Ann Patchett, Truth and Beauty—Wednesday, September 2, 2015

2“To say it was a beautiful day would not begin to explain it. It was that day when the end of summer intersects perfectly with the start of fall….”—Ann Patchett, Truth and Beauty

5Your friend on a Western Colorado Farm


Summer’s Gifts—Tuesday, September 2, 2014

It is cold here this morning.  49*…a light jacket was in order to change the irrigation water.


As a gift to me   I was sent several photos of those beautiful little flying jewels of summer.  Kagedog lives in Cedaredge, Colorado and is a regular visitor to our little blog.  She knows how much I enjoy the Hummingbirds so sent to me some very nice photos.  She also gave me permission to share them with you. 🙂

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I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

We still have lots of Hummingbirds here.  I don’t know if they are the regulars or if they are moving through.  This morning they were fluffed way up as they drank from the feeders.  Although, it is cool in the mornings the days still warm up nicely, as much as 89*.

unnamed (2)I hope your Tuesday is a good one.  It’s time to put the bean puller on and finish work on the combine.  We are still waiting for the alfalfa to turn into hay.  Hope the rains stay away for a least two or more weeks!

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Your friend on a western Colorado Farm,
