There is Something so Magical about Shadows — Wednesday, February 7, 2024

I love how everything has a shadow!!

Shadows are a testament to each and all things upon the earth (and a gift from the sun)

They bring quiet and feelings of stillness

In scorching summer they offer a retreat from the heat

They also add to the song of each and every day


They make my heart sing with joy, gladness, and delight!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Counting the Days, I Can’t Help It —- Tuesday, February 7, 2023

It is still winter here—although, we did have a mild Sunday

And wind.

But woke up to snow on Monday.

In three more weeks, it will be March!  March is the start of spring for me!! 🙂


Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



To Know the Earth as Poetry (Victoria Erickson) — Monday, February 7, 2022

“Some of us don’t want to be tough alpha leaders. Some of us just want to write and wander the garden and breathe in the sky and nourish and nurture and quietly create new pathways and live our lives as our art.  To know the earth as poetry.”  — Victoria Erickson, Author, Rhythms and Roads

From my heart to your heart,


Enchantment — Sunday, February 7, 2021


There in the crowded little bird cafe…enjoying a tiny little feast

Twisting this way and that on the treat feeder….a darling little woodpecker!

I think it is a Downy Woodpecker. 

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



The Fields are Heaped with Birds—-Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Sandhill cranes are amazing this year.  For Years and Years, I used to stand outside and wave at the Cranes inviting them to land on our farm

“Please land”, I would holler, you are most welcome here.

Then for some reason, only the Sandhill Cranes know and understand, we had three Cranes come in late fall and spend the days with us

Then gradually, over the winter, more and more started landing and staying filling the fields with their trilling calls.

Over time, we have had a steadily growing number

Then the other day those most welcome Canada Geese found us!!

Landing in the field to the east of our house.

We are alive with the sounds of large bird calls!

My heart is filled with joy!

From my world to your heart,




Hair Blowing in the Wind—-Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The other day we had wind!   So much so Romeo didn’t think much of having his mane tossed and ruffled.  It was sorta funny to see him close his eyes and try to endure.

Lady’s mane doesn’t flap about! 🙂  So she didn’t care.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,




Getting Ready—-Tuesday, February 7, 2017

getting-ready-for-cows-001We spent the day checking fences,

checking-the-fire-roadRepairing any that needed fixing

getting-ready-for-cows-004And taking down the electric fence in Romeo’s part of the farm.

getting-ready-for-cows-006When the cows come they get the whole farm.  They do an excellent job of munching down all the weeds….all of them.


Romeo has selective tastes.  Romeo is also a stud horse, so must be corralled until after the calves come and they all leave.  He will herd the cows constantly, which isn’t a good thing.

looking-backWe had extra help…Min-Min

boomie-looking-for-newsBoomer, who always helps,

getting-ready-for-cows-006and if you look closely at this photo

willow-helpsWillow cat helped!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


A Surprise Email—Sunday, February 7, 2016

I received the following email a short time ago, from Charles Sipe, a student at Seattle University:
 “Hi Linda,
I wanted to contact you to let you know that Life on a Colorado Farm was ranked on our list of top farming blogs at .  It is currently ranked #10 on our list. ranks the top blogs in different categories based on votes, website links, MozRank score, and Twitter followers.
We also have a badge that you can add to your site to encourage people to vote for your blog which will improve your rank on our list.
Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your time.
Best regards,
Charles Sipe
Seattle University
So—- as you see I have added the badge to my side bar…what a fun thing to have happen!   If you would like to see all the ranked farm blogs just click on the badge, in the sidebar. (Not in this post–the one in this post won’t go anywhere.  🙂 )
Then if you are want you can visit the blogs and vote for those YOU like.
Your smiling farm friend,