I Just Had to Do It —-Tuesday, September 1, 2020

We were working out on the farm

When I decided to

See if I could get any photos

Of those ‘other’ winged creatures


Who share the farm

With us.

Sometimes it seemed the bugs were

Playing and dancing in the air



Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Spreading Green Green Grass (Seed) Here and There —- Thursday, April 23, 2020

(Yes I stop work to snap photos—Terry is used to it 🙂  )

We are planting grass now…yes it is a ‘we’ 🙂

This is where the little seeds come out of the planter…rather neat I think

In the early morning, as the sunlight spilled over the edge of the world, we planted the newly created pasture (from last year)

Then, back down to freshen up the wore out alfalfa field ( adding in grass seed so the cutting becomes a mix of grass and alfalfa) we worked on into the dazzling (calm) sparkly morning the sky full of a few puffy white clouds in the north and east.

Here is a fly for you.  These are hard to capture on camera, the click is often way too slow.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


The Adventures of Boomer on Friday— Farm Report

Well, this isn’t about the farm. But is about the farm yard, to be specific its about the farm yard drive way…

Yep the really nice FEDEX driver showed up.  I’m always cautious…there is a mean UPS driver so I take my time warming up to these drivers.  But this guy is nice.  He always wants to make friends.  Then he hands me a cookie before he walks to the house to give mom her package.

That’s about the farm yard road.

Out on the ditch bank there are lots of little raccoon critters.  We have a huge group of them.  Sometimes they travel all the way into the farm yard and skitter around out back where the hay is always stacked.

I like to go out and see who is there.  A couple of the raccoons are my friends.  We ‘do’ things together.

I go with Mom all the time.  We go change water.  We also go over to my sister’s so I can see my dog cousins,

and we head out and check on the fences —

good fences make good neighbors, Mom always says.

Mindy cat is a farm cat.  She is really good at catching mice.  Really good.  She sometimes eats so many she herks them back up.  I just sniff the herk, but—not to my taste.  I leave it there until Mom comes along and picks it up with a shovel.

I don’t know what Mom does with it, but…something.  Anyway, it’s gone.

And the wind…don’t get me started about the wind…it’s been so strong that it lifts my ears right up in the air.  Mom says I look cute with my ears blowing in the wind.

Well, that my farm report.  Mom and I hope you have a good weekend.

Boom Beaglie Brown a.k.a. Sherlock Boomer

A Request for Help—-Wednesday, March 16, 2016

CompostLast year’s corn fields are all disked, setting mellow waiting for the proper time for Terry to start plowing them up.  (The old corn fields are plowed up, turning the soil into the earth allowing the stalks and leaves to compost)

ManureThis is one of the pastures thoroughly fertilized by the cows.  A very good thing!

But now I have a Request for Help from You, if you would be so kind as to give me some advice. I want to back up my computer to an external hard drive.  Not to a company…although, I do have Carbonite.  They are very good.  VERY GOOD.  But the expense of keeping them connected is starting to wear on my pocket book.

SO I took myself down to Wal-Mart to see what was available for a good back-up system and instantly became terribly over-whelmed.  The helpers in there really don’t know anything except to sell me the most expensive or the cheapest one available.  They talked me into system, which I can’t really figure out how to use…got some stuff on it and can’t get it off…in general I just don’t like it.  (It’s called Passport)

I’m thinking about just using ScanDisk memory sticks.  I would like to usethe memory sticks AND something else.

What I was wondering….would you give me some advice on what to purchase to back up my system?  If you don’t want to leave it the comments, please email me. coloradofarmlife@gmail.com .   Of course, if you leave it in the comments everyone will benefit.

Birds-and-sunsetSo…anyway….I thank you for your time and for your information.



The Adventures of Boomer on Friday— A Routine Day on the Farm

Mom hollered at me saying: “It’s your turn to write, Boomer.  Today is Friday.”  Then she walked upstairs to turn on the computer.  As soon as I heard her voice I had already scrambled up from my dead sleep ready for action.

I wagged my tail and bounced up the stairs beating her by three steps!  I might be 10 ½, but I’m still fast!

Tee Hee

I waited with Mom while the computer turned on and warmed up.  Then I had to sit down for a spell, because Mom wanted to check out the news and a few things.

“Be thinking about what you want to say, Boom.  I’ll look at the a few blogs, then when you are ready the computer is yours.”

I sat there watching her move the mouse around, click a few things…stop and stare at the screen…I guess I’ll just lay down here and put my head on my paws; looks like she is going to take forever!

Geez, my eye lids are getting heav…y…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

“Okay, Boomer, your turn,” mom announced as she got up from the computer chair.

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmph!  Znort! HUH!?  Oh, My turn.

Let’s see-what was I dreaming thinking about?  Oh Yes! What we did yesterday.  Yesterday was a typical day.  A day just like any other day. I like days like that they are FUN!


Mom and I took the finished siphon tubes out to the dirt ditch at the pinto bean field.


We irrigated the corn and the pinto bean field.  We are watering the BIG corn field now…it takes a week to get across to get all the rows wet…I explored while my folks worked.  Sadly I found out that one of the porcupines died over on the sagebrush hill.  It’s always sad when something like that happens.  Mom and Dad had a wee flood from the large cornfield into the little corn field…they were scrambling pretty fast to get the water back into the big corn field’s cement ditch.  I thought it was pretty neat since several mice had to scamper very quickly away from the water.  I didn’t chase them, but I did give some of them a couple of good sniffs.

Then Mom loaded me up…I don’t jump up any more, ever since I tore my knee Mom lifts me up and takes me down.  My knee is better but she doesn’t want “another hurt knee”.


Then we moseyed on down past the alfalfa field … Dad says he will cut hay next Wednesday; it’s starting to bloom. To the pinto bean field.  Mom told me to stay that this wasn’t going to take long.

It didn’t…22 set siphon tubes later and we were back on the 4-wheeler heading home. HUH!?  Not home!


We were going to the Rocky Hill…Dad’s favorite spot on the farm.  Then we rode through the pasture between the Rocky Hill and the Coyote Hill…it’s a good thing I was on the 4-wheeler the grass was over our heads!

We saw three doe deer…Mom told me today she and I are going out to put corn on the ground so the deer won’t eat the new baby corn plants.  COOL!

After that we headed home.   See. Not much happening.  But it sure is fun.


Boomer, the Beagle