My Nighttime Dreams—Thursday, July 30 2020

Sometimes sleeping at night is hard

Not only not being able to sleep

But sleeping and dreaming with ‘bad’ dreams

Other times, it’s like I am walking with those who have passed before me

Those marvelous people of my past life

My parents and grandparents

My beautiful and marvelous sister-of-my-heart, Dixie

Haunting dreams

Causing me to wake; to feel fragile and uncertain

Most often I wake and can’t remember my dreams

I just know I dreamed,

Not all dreams are scary, threatening, or nostalgic

They are comforting and familiar

Warm and protective

Those are hard to recall, also.

So, I have decided those dreams,

Those glowing, comforting misty dreams

Which [the feeling] tends to stay with me all through the day

Are sent to me [us] from our dead family and friends

To protect us

And those still with us on the earth

Connecting with us through our dreams.

From my world to your heart,


A Year of Fruit, It Seems—-Thursday, May 16, 2019

We have apricots shadowing there on the branches of the apricot trees

Lots and lots of apricots.  My work now is to thin them, then to hope for more to drop in June (called the June drop) so the remaining apricots are big and lush.

There are so many I am not sure if I can get them thinned properly.  We have four trees, plus a slew of wild ones.  I will not do anything to the wild ones, the animals take care of those fruits.

In the Sour Cherry trees, we see masses of glittering little green globes

Which will ripen close to the 4th of July; cherry pie in the making! 🙂 Unless, of course, the Robins and other birds get them first. 🙂

We also have pears, apples, prunes, and wild plums all in need of thinning (and my hope that the June drop thins more)

This year is shaping up to be a brilliant fruit year!

I also am enjoying this new area of lawn…taking out that huge flower bed has reduced my weeding and watering time greatly!

I found a Heart!!!

Right there in there in the yard, just waiting for me!

O! The Joy!

I ran and got the camera, took a photo of the heart and the weeds just to show you!

Then I picked up the rock heart. Gave Thanks to the earth, the rock, and the Universe than brought it in to rest on my window ledge by the kitchen sink!

From my world to your heart,


Something Greater than Myself —-Wednesday, March 27, 2019

As I was growing up I used to have dreams of what I would do as an adult, I’m sure all children do.

My dreams were actually very simple

I wanted to live on a farm and be a farm wife and work every day with my husband

I have actually been very blessed and got to achieve my goal.

Yesterday, we started hauling dirt.  You see the ditches sand-up and must be cleaned before the water comes in.

So that is what we did….10 dump loads of dirt.  Done by two o’clock in the afternoon

Then it was time to get back to work on down-sizing my yard.  I had good help.  Mindy Cat LOVES to ride in the wheelbarrow

And….although, he thought it was really rather hot, Boomer followed me back and forth, to and fro until he laid down in the shade and slept.

By dark, we were all tired, but a good feeling of accomplishment was had by all!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,




Creeping Age—Tuesday, March 25, 2019

I have decided that I really, really, really have to cut back my yard!

I  am not sure how I want to do it, but the exhaustion of getting the yard ready for spring is making my bones ache

I know that I want to keep this wee area it’s not hard to take care of, the weeding and watering all happens quickly, and the blooms within is lovely

But this bed is huge and causes my muscles to shimmered and tremble at the end of each weeding session….not to mention the hours worth of watering every other day

And this one…it exhausts me just to look at it—grass is starting to take over and it’s close to impossible to get rid of it

I just finished two hours raking along here…sigh.

So I’m taking this year to somehow shrink my workload and watering load in my yard/gardens.

I haven’t figured out how yet…but that is my goal this gardening year.  Somehow, some way to shrink at least THREE gardens, which will cut down on the watering, weeding, and planting.

Sadly it will take away my blooms, but it has to be if I’m going to keep helping Terry on the farm and have a yard.

So now you know my spring, summer, and fall goal.  We will just have to wait and see what I come up with and still keep the integrity of my yard intact.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,






Bright Days—Sunday, June 3, 2018

We’ve planted another alfalfa field.  That will make two fields in our place.  Alfalfa lasts anywhere from three to five years, so the initial cost of buying gold (:) ) pays for itself over time.

We’ve been very hot and very dry here.  I am thinking some of you might have learned about the huge fire at Durango, Colorado. 

Durango, Colorado is about 2 1/2 hours from us.  Over the

San Juan Mountain Range.  Just to the south of us.

Fire is so scary.  And we are so dry.  Although, there is the talk of 50% chance of rain coming in today, which should help.

Today, Terry and I are ‘taking it easy’.  It’s been a hard week, with lots of push and pull and pressure to get the hay sold and loaded and on its way to its new home to feed animals.

Don’t take me wrong.  The selling of the hay (within 24 hours) was amazing and wonderful, and a huge blessing.

Plus I have a waiting list of 10 people who want some of the second cutting of hay and to be put on the list for third.  Many of those people have called back saying it’s some of the best hay they have ever had.  (That’s always nice to hear.  Makes the hard work worthwhile.  So it’s not just the money, but the satisfaction of a product done right!)

And it was our first paycheck for the year!  🙂  Which is always a very good thing.  Spring is such an expensive time, with so much money going out, that the money coming in from the hay sales is very welcome.

We will have two more cuttings of alfalfa this year.  Normally Terry doesn’t cut the new field allowing it to grow and go into the winter to feed the cows which winter here on the farm.  But hay is very short here so he may cut the new field.  Only time will tell.

So, today, we have a wee slow down.  Just the maintenance of the irrigation water, the few things I want to do in the house, and rest.  Being in your 70’s having a wee day of maintaining the status quo is a rather nice thing.

I hope you have a perfect Sunday!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



Ordinary Dreams — Sunday, May 20, 2018

Ordinary dreams are never clear–they are jumbles of this and that

As we sleep we walk in small places where the old gods used to roam

In that time long-before Christ came.

Those ancient gods of hills and woods and streams

We wander here and there in the dusk of our daily happenings, free from rituals, cities crowded with men

Where sometimes we walk thoughtlessly, as if we are kings, or fairies, or even riding on stars moving silently in the Universe

Sometimes we meet scary unknown things, which zip out of the air of our thoughts, rushing toward us like a demon felt only within the dark

Jerking awake, breathing like we are riding the wind—to realize we just dream.

Turning over…flipping the pillow to the cool side, we once more fall asleep and dream


A thoughtlessly as wee babe in a mother’s arms.

I hope your Sunday is a very good one!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



Talk to the Stars—-Wednesday, May 16, 2018

So do you talk to the stars?

Sometimes I do…they are so beautiful, so amazing, so glittering, so vast.

Sometimes I stand on the ditch bank…my arms flung wide and tell our farm…how beautiful it is.

Even after a long day of working in my yard, helping with the irrigation, cleaning the house, painting fences…when the pain in my arms and back almost blind me

I still feel the most profound gift of this amazing place where Terry and I live.

Sometimes the breathtaking life surrounding us –is like a spell… The bats flitting in the gathering gloom, the last of the Barn Swallows feeding on the mosquitoes, the stars just starting to appear in the darkening heavens, the soil thriving and growing plants, the plants forming from little seeds,

It all weaves a pattern, like a spell.

From my world to your heart,



The Jewels of Summer—Sunday, July 23, 2017

The corn is starting to tassel out…

And baby ears of corn starting to form

The pinto beans are shooting feelers (last year’s photo–I lost this years somehow—I’ve been weeding the 16 acres early morning and late evening.  Once the rows grow shut anything nasty growing out there—corn, cockleburs, ragweed, Pigweed, yellow sticker weed, scotch thistle….gets to grow.  Not a good thing, but how it is.

My yard is doing

Great!  The new railroad ties beds are softening up and looking ever so much better

The air smells lush and rich– full of sweetness

Summer — I can’t ask for anything more!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Riding Straight into the Light—-Monday, June 26, 2017

We are gradually moving through the growing season.

The middle of this week we will be cutting the alfalfa (for the second time this year)

The swallows flit and dart through the air searching out bugs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!  Keeping the mosquitoes at bay!

We are still having wind…sometimes a light breeze that stirs the leaves in the garden, sometimes a wind, which whips the branches of the trees, and sometimes a wind we can not see; stirring the clouds causing cloud shadows to move swiftly across our farm

This part of earth is truly full of peace.

All people — well, the majority of people—crave peace.

I find peace here…on this little dab of land…where dreams lift off the earth and rush toward the stars,

The swelling morning sun shouts “WAKE-UP”

And the red blaze of the western sun fills the evening sky.

Mother Earth, Father Sky…the infinite Universe…healer/scryer…the gift of peace.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,




An Irresistible Exuberant Delight—-Tuesday, July 19, 2016


We’ve been living with heat for several, several days now.


Miserable heat, the kind that hangs in the air  and never really seems to cool down. (Although, I will take this heat over winter any day!)

Yard-8The weather people said we might have rain yesterday…so we waited.

Then last evening I could see rain playing around us on the Uncompahgre Plateau.

Yard-9Rain chutes filled the sky looking toward Montrose and over toward the Peach Valley area; still the bumblebees and the hummingbirds never exhibited anxious hovering in the flowers like they do before a storm makes it’s way to us.


We set the last set of water in the glow of the Full Thunder Moon; the air more restless than early in the evening.


Then during the night the rains came!  We woke to beautiful fresh air, the ghost of the storm hanging damply on each blade and leaf.

Today is alluring, with clouds moving in again, and the promise of POSSIBLY more rain.  My garden, the farm, and myself are all doing the happy dance!

Your friend on a Western Colorado Farm,
