A Rush of the Wild — Monday, January 22, 2024


While doing my ironing I saw a bit of the sky’s wildness land in the yard in front of me.

Beautiful!  Just Beautiful!


The girls were out and about having a good time in the yard.  I shooed them into the hen house until I was sure that beautiful creature had left for another spot on the farm. 🙂

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ME! Sunday, January 22, 2023

Today is my birthday!!!


The last six months of my life have been with

Mom, Dad, and my very own kitty, TLC Cai-Cai

Happy Happy Day of Birth to me!

Boo Berry Betty

A Mindy Adventure Story—Life Goes On, Friday, January 29, 2021 Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven


I was out doing my ‘stuff’.




When I had to pause and really listen

“MINDY!!! MINDY It is getting dark!  You need to come in now!”  Mom called from a long way off.


I ignored her.  I’ve been trapped in the house for a couple of days now, because of the big cold snow storm we had.  I’m tired of the house.

So, on I went.

Here and there and just everywhere I could think of.

It was getting dark.

Even DARK!  But I didn’t care.  There was so much to do out here and I wanted to do it.

I was just heading around the Butler Bins, where Dad stores grain, when



RUN! I thought RUN!

I turned as fast as I could and ducked UNDER the feed grinder, then slithered my way past the tractor shed.

Up toward the


I looked back… so far so good.



That’s when I heard: COYOTES YAPPING


I was standing there yowling for Mom or Dad when suddenly

Out of nowhere streaked


He came from down the long-lane to the house, dashing past the chicken house and right on through the farm YARD!


Then I heard…. yipping and yapping and in the distance the bark of Freddy.

It sounded like Freddy was leading them away.

OH, FREDDY THANK YOU SO MUCH! I mentally yelled.


Right at the moment, the door opened and I dashed into the house.



That was close!

A Mindy Adventure Story—Life Goes On, Friday, January 22, 2021 Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten

BOOMER!  You were here!  You came!  I knew you would!  I just knew it!

You aren’t gone.  You are here!


Let’s Play!

“Wait, Mindy.  Wait.  Why did you need me?”  Boomer’s voice came into my mind very loudly.

“Oh, Beaglie….it’s been so hard.  Everyone wants to know where you are and what happened I’m having to tell them and it has been hard. And I don’t want to tell Oreo or Freddy and his Mom Fox I don’t know what to do and I am concerned and I don’t want to have to tell anyone anymore that you are gone. OH! BOOMER!  Mom and I miss you SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!”  My thoughts wailed out into the nether world.

I could see Boomer look at me.

“I will help,” Boomer mentally replied.  After which he was gone.

So, I went hunting.

Hunting helps me.

I decided mice would be the perfect solution to take my mind off MISSING BOOMER!

I hunted here

And There

And every Where.

No, mice.

Still, just moving around looking around was a good thing.

The night was starting to come on.

I was rather late heading back into the house when suddenly out of the darkness came



I started to run, but Oreo ran right toward me.

I cringed down, trying to make myself small.  If I get sprayed Mom will NOT be happy.


Oreo came at full run…then skidded right to a stop….right in front of me…looking me right in the eye.

“Hey, Cat!  I just heard—Boomer has traveled over the Rainbow Bridge. GONE!  GONE!!!”

“yes,” I meekly replied. “gone.”

“OH! NO!”  Oreo turned and ran off heading off into the dark night.

I sat down and stunned.

“BOOMER!” I called in my mind.

THANK YOU!  Oreo knows.  He is sad, just like all of us.  Thank you for letting Oreo know.  I just couldn’t do it.”



The Sky is still Frumpy with Winter —Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The birds of winter—-

Those delightful wandering large and small birds

Filling the air with their gossip and chatter

Shining brightly there in the sky

Filling our lawn with their busy searching and scratching

Then suddenly lifting up in a huge swoosh of wings

The tap-tap tapping on the bark of the very old Cottonwood tree fills the cold winter air

A pair of owls gently shake the branches of the same tree each evening as they call one to the other 

A blackbird, of some sort, rests in the branches waiting for submissive sun take back the sky from clouds

The crows tell all the secrets of the land.

Thank Heavens for the winter birds.  They make my winter life ever so much better.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



Cold! The Ancient Voice of January—Tuesday, January 22, 2019

“Are those magic fairy wands glistening on the tree or only winter icicles all sparkling at me?”–The Winter Fairy Song

Winter has arrived again, with a sharp, very sharp cold wind, and a windchill in the range of BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

We received snow starting in the afternoon and over the night

Not lots, but enough to make a mess, once this chill wind leaves

Everything and everyone hunkering down until we reach another warm spell

Then it will be back to mud season

To be honest with you, I am counting down the days until Spring.

But SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, don’t tell anyone.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


The Wind Sang a Frozen Song—-Monday, January 22, 2018

After a long-icy day of snow, sleet, sideways wind, and air so chilled nothing tried to move

The storm left us with a distinct feeling of relief—the driving needles of the sideways sleet, augmented now and then with huge bursts of sleetless wind; nothing sticking to the ground

a huge chill came to today’s vast blue sky.



The wild birds are back pecking at full tilt on the feeders, making up for the fat lost by a day of hovering wherever they hovered.

This morning’s sunrise lite up the few remaining clouds and the lack of strong wind sang peace to me.  Inspite of the cold.

From my world to your heart,



Enter the Sun —- Sunday, January 22, 2017

snowAfter a brief dusting of snow

melted-snowWe melted!  Adding too the already mud and slop.


Then the rains came!  Popping up bubbles in the huge puddles.  Fun little bubbles, as if the earth was adding some humor into all the moisture.

sunbeams-003Then this morning we woke up to fleeing clouds

sunbeams-001And sunlight over the land

As I write this the sky is  clear, the sun bright, and there is beauty all around!

From my world to your heart!


Good Fences and Gates—Thursday, January 22, 2015

Teresa hosts a Good Fences and Gates every Thursday, which is always lots of fun. Her post today has a beautiful Texas sized Gate complete with stunning art work.

GateWhen we were up working on the artery ditch (that takes off from the headgate) I thought I would show you a very functional/typical gate here on our farm—- and most of the farms around us who have cattle.  Looks just like the fence.

OPenYou have to slip a wire off the top pole to open the gate, then lay the gate down flat (or it will get in a huge tangle); then you can drive through.

It isn’t pretty, folks!  But it does do the job!

For more gates and fences head over to Teresa site and check out they ones people have entered.  Better yet–take some photos of your own and link your site to hers!  All in good fun!

Your farm friend,
