Stepping Back in Time—-Monday, June 13, 2016

Zack, Blade’s first cousin on his Dad’s side (their dad’s are brothers), is also spending the week with us!

First-CousinsYesterday Terry and I took the boys to Ouray, Colorado, to go swimming.   This morning they were up bright and early to go to open weightlifting at Delta High School, after which they are putting together a pool party for the Rec Center this afternoon.

They are both fourteen, so I have picked up and dusted off my ‘drive the kids here and there’ skills.  It’s diverging from my daily routine, but I love it.

Our house smells like pizza, hot pockets, and other teenager food…the sounds of potato chips crunching and pop corn popping.  Surprisingly they are not pop drinkers.  Water only. (Sugar is not good for athletes, I hear.  🙂  )

Tomorrow they will (again) head to open weightlifting and then I’m sure there will be other plans for the afternoon.

Some evening Terry and I will challenge them to a Miniature Golf game or two.  In-between all of this, Terry always likes to compete with them in a game of dominos.

Of course, there is always their IPads to fill in any down time.  For Terry and I , there are short little cat naps.

Your friend with a house full of laughter!


The Jewel in the Heart of the Visit–Wednesday, August 19, 2015

DriveToday Linky goes back home.


After two days of fun with her best friend, Ellie

Drive-LinkinAll the things she got to do at the farm

HEYWe are packing up, to drive her to meet her Mom at Rifle, Colorado.

Half way for both of us.  There we will unload our car and load up Misty’s van. Sadly, we must say good-bye for a spell.

Saying good-bye is never easy.

Your friend,



Update—Thursday, June 18,2015

MesasWe have had Bladen here for the week. It’s been a full and busy week having a 13 year-old, very energetic boy staying with us.  (We feel so very blessed.)


(We went from a cool rainy time to a suddenly HOT 100* -37.77 c– all over night.  Time to cut the alfalfa!)

I have had my lawn mowed, the edges cut, and a variety of other things done, which cut my work load in half.  There have been rides to get the pinto bean seed with Grandpa, then many trips out to the field to take the bean sacks to Grandpa— so Grandpa could plant them.  Then a trip out to bring Grandpa home for supper or lunch, or to gather the pinto bean sacks from the edges of the field.

But all work and no play makes life very dull.

Evening-whiteSo a fun evening with Uncle Evan and Auntie Jolyne playing a game occurred.

Cousin Zack, (Blade’s Dad’s brother’s son) came and spent the day (yesterday)  with us..swimming in the afternoon, ice cream with 8th grade friends, and a round of miniature golf. (All withOUT grandparents hovering around!)

Terry and Blade have been staying up ”’WAY”’ late watching American Ninja Warriors. Since Zack spent the night it was guys night  watching the amazing feats of the competitors.  (Going to bed early can occur at their own homes. 🙂 )

Zack will go back home this evening, but not before more ‘cool’ things happen.  Life at Grammy and Grandpa’s should be extra special don’t you think?

We will pick up Linkin on Saturday (she has been at camp) then we will take the kids and meet their parents half-way Sunday afternoon.

July the kids will be traveling with their parents, then in August we will have Linkin for a week.

Every moment is one cherished!

Your friend,


The Adventures of Boomer on Friday—Fun with Hank and the Kids

It’s been busy here!  I mean really busy.

Hank and I have had lots and lots to do!

Oh! Yeah.  Hank is here for 9 days! 9 Days of doing stuff with Hank and sometimes the kids!



We went to the park

Grandpa pushed the girls, Hank and I sat with Mom-mom and Mom; then we stiffed around all the bushes.


We went for a walk, actually many, many walks.  Hank and I walked with kids and then we would walk out onto the farm by ourselves.


We tried to follow grandpa when he would take the kids for a ride, If Blade went on the 4-wheeler then Hank and I ran beside him…that was ALWAYS exhausting.  But Blade doesn’t go fast so we can keep up.


We had a cook out where Blade played on the swing.  Mom said she was very happy to see the Swing going back and forth again.  J  Hank and I laid under the bushes and panted…it was hot that evening.


One time we all went to the river and played in the water down there.



I even tried climbing a tree… (I didn’t like it.  Hank didn’t even try to climb the tree)


The girls took me out swimming…not a favorite thing of mine to do—but Hank loved it.


Still more days to go…Hank and I, not best friends forever, like Fuzzy and I were,


but good friends.




The Adventures of Fuzzy and Boomer on Friday — In the Good Old Summer Time


I don’t even care if it is HOT!

Summer and I go together no matter what… there are things to do outside always!

Heck, I don’t even sleep in my dog house in SUMMER!

I sleep out next to the dog house in the cool, cool dirt!

We do lots of stuff in the summer…every day is FULL!


There is helping Dad irrigate … we ride up on the four-wheeler with Mom and then while they set tubes we help stir up the mud in the ditch so it washes away!


Our dog cousins like to hang out in the canal…Boomer and I NEVER go in the canal it would wash us away, away, away.


The little kids play in water also…Boomer, Hank and I have never been invited into that water, but I’ll bet I WOULD LIKE IT!


We always help Mom when she works outside…I like to rest my eyes while she is working. Lots of times Boomer keeps watch to see when Mom moves from one garden to the next garden.

(I have scared Mom a time or two because she says I sleep ‘like the dead’.  I’m not sleeping!  Hurampf, puff, puff     I’m just resting.  I always wake-up when Mom touches me and asks if I’m okay.   OR GO!! I AM ALWAYS READY TO GO!)

Mom says I have to change sides with Boomer on the four-wheeler because I’ve fallen off twice.  On the side I now ride on I can lean on Mom’s back to hold my balance.  You see I always Stand UP and sometimes my legs get tired.  The way I liked to ride on the other side I just would NOT lean on Mom when I got tired.  Now I do.

It has taken Boomer and me a lot of getting use to these other sides, but Mom says We Have to switch so we are learning.


Then when Mom goes inside we go in also.  Cool air is really nice when the days are too hot.  We are having humidity with our heat now—panting isn’t always cooling ENOUGH!


That is how it is in the Good Old Summer Time!


The Adventures of Fuzzy and Boomer on Friday — Fun and Entertainment

This is Boomer…I’m going to show you what Fuzzy and I do for fun and entertainment.  It isn’t all work here on the farm.  We do more than irrigate, sleeping as much as possible, and barking the mailman/FedEx/UPS guy down the road, and in Fuzzy case, barking at the birds!

Fuzzy LOVES this time of year because there are SO MANY BIRDS!!!!!

Sometimes…just sometimes, mind you we get to go on TRIPS!!!!

Just the other day was one of those SOMETIMES!!!

Dad loaded up me, Fuzzy, the three little kids that are our Mom and Dad’s grandchildren, and the little kid’s Dad into the pickup….Mom rode in the back with us dogs and kids.  Then our sister, Shannon loaded up Rocky, Balou, Hank, and Houston in the back of her pickup, the kid’s Mom, our other sister, and we headed UP TO THE PLATEAU!!!



(I don’t know that truck behind our cousins…it was just somebody who wanted to get around us.  Which he did right after the photo was taken.)

This is Mom’s favoritits place in the whole wide world—the Uncompahgre (Un-com-pa-gray with the accent on the pah) Plateau!

*Uncompahgre translates from the Ute Indian word; ‘rocks made red by water,” “Rocks that make red water,” or just plain “dirty water.”

*Though the place where this natural stream pollution occurs was originally one small mineral spring, the name was given to a whole tribe of Utes (against their will), a mountain, a river, and one town –which later repudiated it because hardly anybody could spell it, opting instead for Delta.

We were going to Lee’s Reservoir!



There was ever so much fun…stick chasing in the water (although, I DID NOT GO INTO THE WATER AS I DO NOT LIKE WATER that much).  But tons and tons and tons of cool smells!!! That is Houston you see by Fuzzy in the water NOT ME…I was with Mom!


Fuzzy enjoyed his time in the water very much…he never got out until it was time to go home.

Mom had to ride with a wet dog lying on her lap sleeping in the sun!  (She said she didn’t mind)

Then we got home and had to be checked all over for ticks…this is tick season.

Ticks are some nasty bug…ticks never move from wherever they land after their last meal…they just sit and wait until they get hungry ; they wait and wait until some warm blooded thing comes along and then they either hop on or drop down on the warm-blooded thing and start feasting.

Mom says ticks carry horrible diseases and are really creepy creatures.

Anyway, we got checked out, and then had a cool picnic lunch that our people shared with us. After we all got tired we went home and took long naps until it was time to IRRIGATE!!!

