Fragments — Sunday, April 21, 2024

A wee phone photo of the Moon and Juniper…take a few nights ago.

Giving us vivid, though a tad fractured because of my phone, glimpse of space where neither time nor our crazy worried thoughts matter.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


The Adventures of Boo Berry Betty and TLC Cai-Cai on Friday—-Starting Water in a BIG Wind, Friday, April 21, 2023

(Backing up the water so the headgate will fill)

Mom and Dad just thought (HOPED) that last week’s big wind was the last big wind!

(Scary walking across that tiny board—Mom won’t even try.  I don’t get out of my basket)



Not at ALL!

(That is the trash dug out of the canal so the water could start)

We (Mom, Dad, Me (sometimes) worked all day in a big, big wind Tuesday and all day Wednesday.

70 m.p.h. gusts of wind getting the water started on the farm.

(We (Terry) must check the headgate several times a day to keep the trash out)

This is a hard, hard time, not only the wind but all the winter trash that comes down the water, plugging up the headgate.   That makes Dad have to go check the headgate off and on. As I already said. 🙂 Boo Berry

In the afternoon, Kya and

Black Beauty, and my human sister, Shannon helped.

Once the water got to the horse pasture, Shannon, Kya, and Black Beauty took over setting the water in the horse pasture; Mom and Dad finished up on the new corn field.

It is so cold here we have been in a freeze warning which will last until Sunday.

Mom grew up in a huge fruit orchard—so this frozen stuff always makes her glad our livelihood is not based on fruit.  This time of year is dangerous for fruit growers.

Okay, here is the deal: the WATER IS ON the FARM!!!  (of which I get to go and help with) At least two (or more) times a day.

Mom says I am a very good irrigator!  I don’t jump in the water like Kya and stop the tubes,

I just hang right by Mom like Black Beauty does Shannon.

TLC stays home all stretched out by the fire! Hummmmm.

(Who is stretched out by the fire?  I am guarding the farmyard. TLC)

Boo Berry

Such a Huge Pleasure —- Thursday, April 21, 2022

Watching the water flow into the siphon tubes and down the furrows is such a huge pleasure to Terry and me.

He, because the ground is soaking up the water; getting ready to plant.

And I for the music of the sound of the water, the little splash as it comes out of the siphon tubes, the slender melody of the bubbles unraveling from the tube

The light as it plays along the tiny ripples and splashes.  Glistening brightly in the Spring air.

From my world to your heart,




Did We Leave Spring and Return to Winter? —- Wednesday, April 21, 2021

It’s cold again…fire in the woodstove cold

Miserable out on the ditch bank cold

Cold enough there is ice on the running water

Which is very cold.   Our breath smokes and plumes in the air.

The wind has been a huge mess, days of it…blowing gusts of 40 m.p.h.

I keep hoping soon…very soon we will settle into a soft and lovely Spring.

Soon!  Please!

From my heart to your world,


Whispering Echoes — Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Grand Mesa lives on the northern side of our farm.  Well, It lives an hour away, but the Dancing beauty of its weather, clouds, and the spreading sunshine is there for us to see every single day of our lives

The opposite in we have those stunning San Juan mountains, framing our siphon tubes in one of the cornfields

Over in the East…just straight across from us are the Paonia Mountains, crowding the horizon and sheltering the sun and the moon until they can rise high enough

Directly opposite on the west side of the farm is that very long Uncompahgre Plateau, full of mesas, knolls, and very secret canyons

Our storms come from Utah over the Uncompahgre Plateau to rain or snow on our farm. (You are looking at the Roubidoux Canyon just a few miles from the edge of our soon-to-be-planted cornfield.

Then there in the North East are the Ragged Mountains…

And in the South Eastern side the Black Canyon (where it is snowing when I took this photo)

And the SawTooth Mountain Range

This is that same storm over the Black Canyon with the SawTooth beside it

All around us..are the whispering echoes of magnificence and the overwhelming beauty of an ancient form of art.  Still alive today.

From My Heart to your world,


Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019

On this day the Ressurection of a man’s very special life occurred

With considerable Magic, only Heavenly Father can produce— a hideous death by crucifixion was overcome

That horrendous ‘tween time between Good Friday and Easter Morning was reduced to nothing but a blink of an eye

From that moment forth we can truly renew hope and challenge ourselves to achieve victory

Over Evil.

May your day be blessed in so many ways!

With Love,

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



April’s Full Moon—Thursday, April 21, 2016

We are cloudy and cold again.


I so wanted to get a photo of April’s full moon, but alas…it isn’t to be.


SO I have some old moon photos I will re-share with you.

Full Moons

April is the Full Pink Moon and it comes from the herb wild phlox with is pink and starts to bloom in April.  Other names for the beautiful celestial orb is Full Sprouting Grass Moon, The Egg Moon and the FIsh Moon (shad spawn at this time, I’m told)


Love the silver light of a full moon!

Wherever you are I hope you can go outside and enjoy April’s full moon,

Your friend,


A Splish- Splash- Taking a Bath–Tuesday, April 21, 2015

birds.jpgTerry brought the water down to put on the cherry trees and the lawn yesterday.  The Red-Winged Black Birds were Delighted!

AHHHHSeveral of them had to take a bath!

FlutterHaving a marvelously wet time

ShakeWhen one got out

SplashAnother one got in!

I enjoyed the whole experience myself!

Your country friend


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Finally we are warming up!

Yesterday, Terry and I went to Grand Junction to so some shopping…Sam’s Club, Whole Foods, Michael’s, Hobby Lobby…all the places I save up for so we can do it in one day.

Terry goes to Home Depot, Sears, Western Implement, Sutherland’s’s a busy big day when we make the trip.

Last night was just lovely


And today even better…we plan on getting rid of all the trash today, changing water (always) and getting a few things done that are restful, not huge.

I hope everyone has a peaceful Sunday,
