Sometimes My Throat Catches — Thursday, March 7, 2024

When I see the fleeting beauty of sun-colored clouds or the golden light of the morning or evening sun

When the golden sunlight picks up the Canada Geese or the Sandhill Cranes wings flash through the clouds or the colors of their feathers as they feed in the fields

As the sun sets ever so gradually, yet swiftly, It feels like the day only lasts for a short time, then winks out to begin again the next day.

From my world to your heart,


Back Before Winter Slammed into Us — Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Back before winter covered the mountains on three sides of us and blustered itself into the canyons on the western part of our compass (Just last week)

Boomer and took a wee walk-about; camera in-hand (of course 🙂  )

The autumn day was just lovely, warm and full of the excitement of large birds landing on the farm

Mindy went with us to the cross-over pipe playing and romping in the sunlight

But the most exciting capture on my camera was this one of a bumblebee –Yes, I know you can’t really tell it’s a bumblebee, but it is.

I delighted to see it. Someday I will get much better with my camera, taking photos of bugs in flight, but for now—you get to see the beginnings of my learning.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



Life Moves Forward Relentlessly—Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The month is January…still.

I look at the calendar daily waiting for the moment when we turn into February.

Each day is winter, long and drawn out and cold, but filled with routines that mush us through each dark and dreary day

But if it is long for me…then it is longer for the wildlife.  The coyotes are brazen and bad, coming right into the yard, searching for food…not good.

They need to search someplace else.

The rancher said he will be coming any day now to gather up his Momma cows and take them to his ranch home…he wants to have them closer to monitor the births.

He is wise.  With the coyotes so active there is nothing so vulnerable as a cow in labor.

Inside the very worst of winter, there are still things to find of great joy and beauty…so outside I go—

Each day there is something so wonderful that I need to record it with my camera

The bliss of each day is just right there, waiting for me to stumble into it

So, yes, life moves forward

But as each day passes

I realize that being outside stabilizes my need to by-pass winter

Into true happiness for the healing magic of the day/night captured on camera

Nothing mediocre/drab/or unexciting exists if I just open my eyes.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



My Wish for You in 2019—-Tuesday, January 1, 2019

I wish for you to get to walk this planet no longer battered by being an adult,

To no longer be crushed by the every day of every day

That your hearts will be lifted

You can recapture your innocence

And claim some of the joyous magic that surrounds us each and every day.

Then when you lay your head down at night you have found wonder,

wherever you live—rural or city, country or town…where ever you call home

My wish is for you to reclaim, it not all, at least some of the magic which is part and parcel of our days.

That your year…this year of 2019…is a most magical year for you.

“Write upon your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”–Ralph Waldo Emerson

With all my heart and my love,

Happy New Year, My Friends




Old Magic —-Tuesday, December 12, 2018

What is Old Magic, someone might ask

To me, it is the song of the Earth—-the song the Earth always sings every moment of each and every second of our lives…the Song of Beginning

The song of NEW, the song of Pure and total Joy!

It’s a Bold song, truly!

But one that all animals living on the earth can feel.

Even us…if we care to listen.

It’s always present, sweet, undulating


An echo of a continuing prayer

Everything is all part of that space between breaths—which make up this lifetime I call Gathering.

From my world to your heart,







A Time of Magic—Monday, September 18, 2017

In the Glittering sunlight

High in the air

On a crisp, bright, warm September morning

The little Barn Swallows gathered in dense clusters in the sky, then

they filled the electric lines above the canal.

All early morning they came, swooping in, resting until they rose all as one, shimmering and glittering, into the autumn sky; dipping and rising in a choreographed dance taking them away from us.

Leaving the air around our yard empty of sound.


From my world to your heart.
