We Live in Hope —-Monday, May 27, 2019

The wind picked up yesterday

Becoming a menace by the end of the day.

Then the weather cooled down rapidly…going from 82* to 72* (27c – -13c)  within 60 minutes

The wind shrieked,

and pelted us with little shards of dust

Late, late into the evening, all the little hummingbirds feasted at the feeders, trying desperately to fill up– to stay warm, before the thunderstorms arrive today.

This winter storm is to be in here for three days, but…

Maybe if I am lucky I will get to see a rainbow!

That will be really special.

I took this photo years ago at our home town cemetery.  
I think it is still appropriate even today.


Today we remember.

All those who cared for us and our way of life.

Allowing us to live in hope.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,





Winter Blowing Chilly Through the Land—-Tuesday, April, 3, 2018

Winter blew in over-night last night.  It’s cold here today.

Our fine spring days washed out in a tide of a swift moving cold front

The wind is sharp enough I have started the wood stove again…

Still no water.  We are getting far behind (but no water in this wind is actually a blessing–just saying 🙂  )  Some of the farmers are finishing up their second round of irrigation and starting on their third…we are still waiting.   Maybe Thursday, now.  Who knows.

Whatever it is we will just have to wait until it comes.  There is no other way around it.


Today I will get some more things ready in the yard…AND… I have help!  Terry is bored so he said he would help me!

Now THAT is a good thing!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


The Adventures of Boomer on Friday—Head Held High

With my head held high, I rode proudly with Mom to the middle field.  It was here she and I and Dad are working to harvest the last of the alfalfa; now turned to hay.

Just going out to help my people is a very moving experience—I sometimes even get tears in my eyes.    Of course, it could be because we are on the four-wheelers.  Also, if the wind is blowing the little bits of dust does seem to make my eyes water.  (Just saying.)


We went out early, then almost early, then sorta early, by this time it was getting hot.  After that Mom and I came in and fixed lunch.  I got (2) TWO, mind you chicken wing bones!  I also got ½ can of 98% beef and a rub on the belly and both my ears scratched.  There is always free-to-eat-anytime dry as sawdust kibble, but I don’t figure it counts are real food.


Since Mom and Dad were concerned that a rain storm was due to come in; right after the lunch dishes were done, we went back out.

It was HOT out there!

I mean so hot my tongue hung clear out of my mouth and dropped saliva all down the fender on my side of the four-wheeler.


I mean it was HOT!  After the morning, which was sorta on the cold side, getting used to the heat was something else.

So when Mom came in with the second load, (Mom picks up the broken bales and the loose alfalfa –the stack wagon can’t get that stuff) of a broken bale.  (There were three broken bales and two loads of loose stuff.  Mom’s trailer holds one broken bale.) I STAYED HOME!

The second she drove into the hay barn I jumped off and headed to my water dish and my spot in the shade.

There I stayed even when Mom called and asked if I wanted to go back out with her…I just wagged my tail and laid my body flat in the cool shady grass. I would have gone if she had made me, but Mom didn’t make me. I heard the four-wheeler go out then a little while later, in mid-snooze, I heard her come back in.  Then go out………………



The Adventures of Boomer on Friday—Wet/Cold/Snow/Wind/Rain/Mud

Play I don’t have much to say today.  We, meaning Mom, Dad and Myself, are still trying to get the water down the fields, morning and night, sometimes noon and afternoon.


I like irrigation season, but I sure don’t like this rain/snow/wind/rain/snow/mud stuff we are having now.  I still go, but I get really wet—my belly and my legs.  I need longer legs, I guess.


(There is mud out there, don’t let this fool you.)

Anyway, it’s so nasty and wet today, Mom told me I had to STAY at the house, ON my bed, in my BEDROOM.  She didn’t know but I STAYED right by the wood stove until I heard the 4-wheelers drive into the yard, then I slipped ever so quickly onto my bed in my bedroom.


There I was sitting there like I was ready to go outside, just as innocent as you please.  Mom came in and gave me lots of pets and a hug; said I was a good doggie all nice and dry and warm.  I agree—good dog, dry, warm…I gave her a huge smile and a kiss on the hands!

Other than lots of sleeping, not much going on.  I think the cats have it figured out…Mom and Dad get cold, wet and muddy.  We stay warm and dry!

Sun(What we woke up too.)




Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The very deep freeze is here and will stay for some time.  We woke-up to -6* (-21.11 c).  Cold is relative I know.  Some of you are seeing much colder temps than we are, but us, here…this is C.O.L.D!

Grand-Mesa-SnowIt looked like snow lingered on Grand Mesa for most of the day.  Today it is crisp and clear up there.

Terry and I were feeling housebound so we decided to go for a short drive…our neighbor was moving his 2-year olds into the corn field

Moving-CowsWe wanted to see what the snow level looked like ‘up-in-the-hills’.  It’s starting to look very nice.  If we continue to get more snow all through the winter water will not be as much of a concern as it was last year.

Come on snow!!

SnowI thought the trees were extremely beautiful all decked out in their winter finery.


Today I need to finish up some Christmas shopping. Then I will need to get things for both Christmas meals…the Christmas Eve Dinner and the Christmas Day Dinner.  I haven’t really decided which one to make the really big one–Turkey, ham, all the other dishes or the lighter one….lots of buffet foods…I’m leaning toward the Dinner at night and the buffet one on Christmas Day.

Usually, we have a treasure hunt in the afternoon of Christmas Day, but with the snow (and if it melts) the mud the thought just doesn’t appeal so I’m thinking we will play lots of games.  Games and snacking and just enjoying each other seems like the way to go for a long Christmas Day.

Wishing each of you a really nice day today,

Your friend,


Monday, December 9, 2013

The snow left and the cold arrived!  I will take it! For with the cold is SUNSHINE!

As I was cleaning my kitchen I happened to see a sunbeam

HouseI had a little prism sitting on the window ledge when a sunbeam filled it with light…

RAINBOWI enjoyed seeing this bright little spot of happiness so much I wanted to share it with you!

You friend with a tiny rainbow in her kitchen,





The Adventures of Fuzzy and Boomer on Friday — The Living is Easy

We had snow!


Lots and lots of snow!


Then it turned to rain, which turned to mud!


Lately we have been having fog full of frozen crystals, then the sun comes out, then the fog comes back…days of this.


Fuzzy and I don’t mind!

Really we don’t.


We help Mom out…we decorated the tree, hung some light on the porch, helped cook meals…although that always gets us banished to ‘the other room’.

That is what Mom always says when she starts making those yummy smells from the kitchen… “Out boys, you have to go to the other room now!”

So we do…


Going to the other room is okay doaky also…HEAT!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!

So it’s okay what goes on outside, for Fuzz and I…………….THE LIVING IS EASY!


I just about forgot.

Remember when I was new to the farm and I was terrified of the tractor and loader

You have GOT to see this!!!

Chaco and Balou meet the COMBINE!!!  (Turn your head so you can watch, it was taken with Shannon’s cell phone and Mom doesn’t know how to fix the video so it’s upside right)

Fuzzy and I rolled on the ground!  After all it is just a combine!!

Mom told us that wasn’t funny, after all she reminded me I was afraid of the tractor when I first got here!

Oh, well!


Back to all the warm heat from the wood stove!

Just hang’n around and enjoying winter!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

We had RAIN!!! last night!  Not lots, but enough the tractors can’t get into the fields.

We also had wind…lots and lots of wind.  My house is covered in mud…dirt, wind, rain…makes for a sort of adobe house.  🙂


(Dirt in the air)


Now it is cold…39* with a very sharp wind.

I am hoping lots of snow is being dumped on the two reservoirs-Taylor and Blue Mesa! 🙂

This tiny bit of rain we have here is nice…although, it isn’t even a inch into the ground it is moisture.  The trees, grasses and other things have a nice shiny look to them. Even the corral poles look washed off.

Tonight it’s supposed to get extremely cold, just as the sun dog said would happen, then we gradually start warming back up.

I should say that this is rather typical for spring…two or three steps forward and then one giant step back.  By Mother’s Day we should be settling down real nice.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring work has begun….


Terry has been disking the corn stalks.



I loved these photos of the spring buds and the spring work.

Still cold here, but warming up, it only got down to 20* last night.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

It’s cloudy, grey and chilly again here today.

I’ve been sick.


Well, actually I got sick the week before Christmas and seem to not be able to get well.  I have a good day here and there, but nothing that lasts.

I’m taking the day off…resting by the fire.


I hope this finds all of you well.

